– EX means excrement because it is made from Sam’s bodily waste, in total there are 4 types of grenades that can be produced, 3 non-lethal (0,1,2) and one lethal (1 Plus), the 4 types are:
Grenade EX – Type 0
Grenade EX – Type 1
Grenade EX – Type 1 Plus
Grenade EX – Type 2
All are produced in your private room, either in Knot’s on the map and base that you have access to a private room or in private rooms built in the chiral network
In this guide I will show you how to craft them and the best tactics to use them individually.
Grenade EX – Type 0

The dirtier it is, the more it will produce grenades, fighting EP’s until it is covered in tar, when killing an EP with a Hematic grenade and being close to the explosion will also get you dirty in blood, fall to the ground especially in mud, after that just take a shower in your private room and will be added to your private locker
Remove EP’s
When throwing the grenade directly at an EP it will move away, effective if you want to pass on a path that has an EP
Grenade EX – Type 1

It is produced from Sam’s Unira, the more energy you take, either in the private room or exploring the world, the more grenades it will produce, when resting in a private room and using the bathroom standing up will be added to your private locker the grenades.
Repel EP’s
Its main function is to secure an area, when thrown on the ground no EP will pass through that impact region, when thrown directly into an EP it has the same function as type 0 grenades
In order not to be flanked or want an EP that is prowling an area not to get close to you, just guarantee control with this grenade
Remembering that if you are out of grenades, the option of urinating is also effective to repel the EPs, if they are going to attack you, urinating on them will drive them away
Grenade EX – Type 2

By Sam’s feces, the more cryptobionts you eat either in your private room or exploring the world, the more grenades you will produce, just use the sitting toilet which will be added to your private locker
Attract EP’s
Unlike urine, feces has the opposite function, it causes all EP’s close to the impact region and are attracted to it, it is extremely effective when used together with Hematic Grenades, when joining all EP’s with the grenade is enough throw 1 Hematic grenade that will hit all of them together
It’s the best way to clear entire regions of EP’s in a quick and resource-saving way
Grenade EX – Type 1 Plus

When you are below 25% energy with Sam (The gray bar, of maximum energy), it means that you are close to Sam’s physical exhaustion, this way, when using the Stand toilet in your private room, you will produce these grenades, and they will be added to your private locker
As blood is the raw material of the Lethal grenades against the EP’s (Hematic Grenade), Grenade EX Type 1 Plus is the mixture of Urine (Non-Lethal) and Blood (Lethal) for the EP’s
They are lethal against the EP’s, but it doesn’t create a cloud of smoke like the Hematics, if you really want to face the EP’s the Hematics is effective because you can combine firearms with the cloud of smoke, exponentially increasing the damage caused.