Destiny 2: How to Quickly Complete Transmog Bounties (Season of the Lost)

This guide will show you how to complete 10 transmog bounties on all your characters very quickly. By doing this, I have finished all mine in the first week.

You will need access to the Forsaken Expansion to do this.


Step 1 – Get a Shattered Throne Thrallway CP

Shattered Throne is the Dungeon on The Dreaming City.

This is where the checkpoint spawns you in.

Step 2 – Stock up on Glimmer at Spider

Head to the Tangled Shore and stock up on Glimmer as each bounty costs 10,000.

Step 3 – Grab the Arc, Void, Solar Dungeon Bounty from Ada-1

You will need to keep deleting the bounty you get until you get this specific one.

Why this bounty?

Well, this bounty is incredibly fast to do as 1 thrall counts as 4/150. I can get this bounty done in a couple of minutes.

Weapon Selection

Obviously you need 1 weapon for each element. You can use any weapon that has these elements but I recommend primaries due to infinite ammo.

For Void, I used Recluse.

For Arc, I used Riskrunner. (Throw a Flux or Pulse arc grenade to activate Arc Conductor)

For Solar, I used Vex Mythoclast. It’s just amazing since the buff.

Step 4 – Complete the Bounty

This is my YouTube video showcasing me doing the bounty.

Now go back to Ada-1 and Repeat

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