Here is all the marks location that i found in Kizan, hope it will be useful.
Map of Kizan
Kizan is the second Island you will visit after you finished your quest: repairing your ship in Skiia. Kizan is a small, beautiful island located below the sea level has an entire ecosystem underneath that will surprise you and this is a home of Lizard (or Dragon tribe).
Map of Kizan:
Lone Rise
There are 2 marks located on Lone Rise:
– Fisher’s Hut:
Talk to the fisherman, he tells you a bit about the past of Selis (the old captain of the Unnamed)
– Old light house:
Here you will have a FULL view of Kizan
Kizan at night and in the morning, hope you will enjoy the view
In ‘Fulsome’ you will find out:
– A camp.
– Swamp Hut. (An old village on Kizan).
Great Uncommons
– Shrine of the All – Mother:
There are 3 chests hidden around the shrine: one in the front, one in the back and one secret chest.
This secret chest contain high value items, the total value of the chest can be from 1k – 5k gold even more on the market depend on your luck.
>>>> Chest location: HERE
– A camp:
When you reach the end of the Great Uncommons there is camp near
Ashens and South Kizan
– Dewseed village
Advice: There is local trader in the village where you able to buy some local dress(clothes). I recommend you buying the Glowing dye and save them for future till the dye mechanism release.
– Lizard chest
A huge mystery Lizard chest. So far the only way i know to unlock the chest is to find at least 4 curious keys to unlock and no one has successful in it. let me know what you find in it. ^_^
– 2 Camps: one next to Dewseed village and one under the mountain near Ashens.
– Ruins
– Shaham’s Hut