How to find “True Love” (and unlock every CG scenes in the Gallery!)
To goal of this guide is to help you unlock every CG scenes in the Gallery, not the achievements:
- The first part is mostly spoiler-free and will give you some general advice to help you find love (in the game).
- The second part is a walkthrough with heavy spoiler for each route of the base game.
- The third part is a walkthrough with heavy spoiler for each route of the DLC.
== Part 1: General Help ==
Some general advices to help you along the way:
- Tips #1: Play on Normal (Doing it in Hard is possible, it will only take you longer…)
- Tips #2: Focus on 1 Princess at a time (it will help you build up your Skills for the Queen).
- Tips #3: Save often and use multiple save files (so you won’t have to restart from the very beginning if you make a mistake).
- Tips #4: Leave the DLC character for last (it wil only complicate thing by adding new mecanics and more ways to fail).
Route Check List (Vanilla)
- Blanche‘s route
- Charlotte‘s route
- Diane‘s route
- Alienor‘s route
- Titania‘s route
You also need to combine some of them to unlock Bonus CG. These are:
- Blanche+Charlotte‘s route
- Blanche+Diane‘s route
- Charlotte+Diane+’s route
- The Princesses Harem‘s route (Blanche+Charlotte+Diane)
- The Royal Family Harem‘s route (Blanche+Charlotte+Diane+Alienor)
Route Check List (DLC)
- Jezebel‘s route
- Calista‘s route
- Violaine‘s route
The only exception to this is 1 CG scene in the Jezebel‘s route where you need to fail a Skill check to get a specific GAME OVER.
Like in the vanilla game, you will also need to combine some of these routes to unlock more CG:
- Jezebel+Diane‘s route
- Calista+Blanche‘s route
- Violaine+Charlotte‘s route
- The Dark Princesses Harem‘s route (Jezebel+Calista+Violaine)
- The Ultimate Harem‘s route (everyone: Blanche, Charlotte, Diane, Alienor, Jezebel, Calista and Violaine)
== Part 2: Walkthrough ==
You can play these routes in any order, but I would suggest you to do it in the order of this guide (to save you some time and frustration). At the very least, you should do the Titania‘s route before everyone else.
Extra: Titania

How to: Ignore everything except grinding your Skills and visiting the Forest, nothing else matter.
- :
- Go 5 times in a row to the Library in the morning (just Wander Around in the afternoon).
- Then go to the Forest in the morning and Titania will give you a Kknowledge benediction (You will now gain 2x more Knowledge!).
- Go 5 times in a row to the Market in the morning (just Wander Around in the afternoon).
- Then go to the Forest in the morning and Titania will give you a Charm benediction (You will now gain 2x more Charm!).
- Go 5 times in a row to the Training Ground in the morning (just Wander Around in the afternoon).
- Then go to the Forest in the morning and Titania will give you a Prowess benediction (You will now gain 2x more Prowess!).
- Go 5 times in a row to the Forest in the morning to trigger her final Event (just Wander Around in the afternoon).
- In this Event with Titania choose “I cannot leave” (You can now marry her on the 30th Day!)
- Gring up all of your Skills for the rest of the game but don’t forget to visit the Forest on the 30th Dday.
Note: Try to raise all your skills to at least 30 (It souldn’t be hard with all your benedictions).
Princess #1: Blanche

How to: Go to the Library every morning and Wander Around in the afternoon to raise your Knowledge if no Blanche‘s or Balaam‘s Event are available).
- :
- Once you have at least 5 Knowledge, go see Blanche at the Church in the afternoon. Your prayer doesn’t matter but you need to ask her: “What did you pray for“
- The next Event: “Dancing with Blanche” will automatically play during the Royal Feast of the week (Day 7, 14, 21, etc.)
- Once you have at least 10 Knowledge, go see Blanche at the Library in the afternoon.
- Once you have at least 15 Knowledge, go see Blanche at the Town in the afternoon.
- Once you have at least 17 Knowledge, go see Blanche at the Church in the afternoon.
- Go see Blanche a second time at the Church in the afternoon for a nice reward…
- Once you have at least 25 Knowledge, go see Blanche at the Castle in the afternoon. (You can now marry her on the 30th Day!)
- Gring up your Knowledge for the rest of the game…
Note: Don’t forget to thwart Balaam‘s and Perfidus‘ plan…
Princess #2: Charlotte

How to: Go to the Training Ground every morning and Wander Around in the afternoon to raise your Prowess if no Charlotte‘s or Balaam‘s Event are available).
- :
- Once you have at least 5 Prowess, go see Charlotte at the Tavern in the afternoon.
- The next Event: “Dancing with Charlotte” will automatically play during the Royal Feast of the week (Day 7, 14, 21, etc.)
- Once you have at least 10 Prowess, go see Charlotte at the Tavern in the afternoon and answer her: “Yes“.
- Once you have at least 15 Prowess, go see Charlotte at the Tavern in the afternoon.
- Once you have at least 20 Prowess, go see Charlotte at the Tavern in the afternoon.
- Go see Charlotte a second time at the Tavern in the afternoon.
- Once you have at least 25 Prowess, go see Charlotte at the Castle in the afternoon. (You can now marry her on the 30th Day!)
- Gring up your Prowess for the rest of the game…
Note: Don’t forget to thwart Balaam‘s and Perfidus‘ plan…
Princess #3: Diane

How to: Go to the Market every morning and Wander Around in the afternoon to raise your Charm if no Diane‘s or Balaam‘s Event are available).
- :
- Once you have at least 5 Charm, go see Diane at the Gardens in the afternoon.
- The next Event: “Dancing with Diane” will automatically play during the Royal Feast of the week (Day 7, 14, 21, etc.)
- Once you have at least 10 Charm, go see Diane at the Gardens in the afternoon.
- Once you have at least 15 Charm, go see Diane at the Gardens in the afternoon.
- Once you have at least 20 Charm, go see Diane at the Gardens in the afternoon.
- Go see Diane a second time at the Gardens in the afternoon.
- Once you have at least 25 Charm, go see Diane at the Castle in the afternoon. (You can now marry her on the 30th Day!)
- Gring up your Charm for the rest of the game…
Note: Don’t forget to thwart Balaam‘s and Perfidus‘ plan…
Princess #4: Alienor

How to: Manage your skills (Knowledge, Prowess and Charm) well and don’t miss her time sensitive Events.
- :
- Before the 7th Day and once you have at least 3 in each Skill, go see Alienor at the Castle in the afternoon. Ask: “About Alienor“
- The next Event: “Singing to Alienor” will automatically play during the first Royal Feast (Day 7), you need to have at least 5 in each Skill.
- Before the 20th Day and once you have at least 9 in each Skill, go see Alienor at the Castle in the afternoon.
- Before the 21th Day and once you have at least 12 in each Skill, go see Alienor at the Market in the afternoon.
- The next Event: “Dancing with Alienor” will automatically play during the third Royal Feast (Day 21), you need to have at least 15 in each Skill.
- Before the 27th Day and once you have at least 18 in each Skill, go find answer for Alienor at the Library in the afternoon.
- Before the 28th Day and once you have at least 21 in each Skill, go see Alienor at the Castle in the afternoon.
- The last Event: “Defending Alienor” will automatically play during the last Royal Feast (Day 28), you need to have at least 24 in each Skill. (You can now marry her on the 30th Day!)
Note: Don’t forget to thwart Balaam‘s and Perfidus‘ plan…
Harems (Vanilla)
Pretty simple in the base game. Just simultaneously follow the walkthrough for the Princesses you want to match and their last Event will be replace by a new common one.
The possible combinations are:
- Any two Princesses:
- Blanche and Charlotte
- Blanche and Diane
- Charlotte and Diane
- The three Princesses:
- Blanche, Charlotte and Diane
- All the Royal Family:
- Blanche, Charlotte, Diane and Alienor
Note: Don’t forget to thwart Balaam‘s and Perfidus‘ plan…
== Part 3: DLC ==
The Dark Princesses DLC mainly add three new Princesses and two new mechanics to the base game.
- Princesses:
- Jezebel
- Calista
- Violaine
- New mechanics:
- The Flux Turner
- The King in Yellow
Mecanics: The Flux Turner
The Flux Turner: Let you play a Day again at the cost of your Skills and possibly your Life if you use it to much…
- Getting it:
- Visit all the possible morning location in a row (Library, Market, Training Ground, Forest)
- Then Wander Around in the afternoon (this will automaticaly trigger the Event) and chose: “I wish to stay big“
- Using it:
- At the end of a Day, the game will ask you if you want to: “Use the Flux Turner“
- Using it will reduce your Skills but will let you replay the Day. The action of the previous Day will still have happen (Basically letting you double your action for a single Day).
- :
- Every time you’re using it, there is a chance for the Hounds of Tindalos to find you (Will lead to an automatic GAME OVER). You sould ALWAYS SAVE BEFORE USING IT.
- After using it:
- If the only message you see the next Day before going to the morning map is: “It’s a new dawn!” you are safe.
- If the next Day before going to the morning map you also see: “As I wake, alone in my room, I recall the barking of a dog.” after the: “It’s a new dawn!” message RELOAD IMMEDIATELY, you are DOOMED!!!
- After using it:
- If you only use it once every two Day (ex: day 4, 6, 8, etc.) you *should* be fine. You can also use it more if you need, just be careful…
Mecanics: The King in Yellow
The King in Yellow will result in a automatic GAME OVER on the 14th Day if you don’t follow a very specific path after meeting one of the Dark Princess.
- How to avoid it:
- The trick is to keep your current Knowledge (the number in parentheses) below 18.
- :
- Do at least the first Event of any Dark Princesses before the 11th Day.
- Between the 8th and 11th Day Wander Around in the morning
- Chose: “Avoid Risk” if you have more than 14 Prowess
- Before the 13th Day go to the Castle in the morning
- Chose: “Leave Him Alone” if you have more than 14 Charm
- Before the 14th day go to the Forest in the afternoon with less than 18 Knowledge
- Chose: “Read the Book” (you need to have less than 18 Knowledge).
After that you can raise all of your Skill as high as you want. The only thing you need to do is: “Warn the King” on the 14th Day during the Royal Feast.
Extra: Jezebel (Fail)

How to: Don’t raise your Prowess and Knowledge to much in order to fail her Event…
- :
- Once you have 9 Knowledge, go see Jezebel at the Caves in the afternoon and “Pray to the unknown deity“.
- Once you have 11 Knowledge and 11 Prowess, go see Jezebel at the Caves in the afternoon.
- Go to the Library in the afternoon and retrieve the Necronomicon.
- Once you have at least 13 Knowledge and 13 Prowess but less than 15 Knowledge and 15 Prowess, go see Jezebel at the Caves in the afternoon and you will succesfully fail her Skill Check (also unlocking 1 of her CG in the Gallery).
Note: Best way to die…
Princess #5: Jezebel

How to: Raise your Skills every morning and do her Events in the afternoon.
- :
- Once you have at least 9 Knowledge, go see Jezebel at the Caves in the afternoon and: “Pray to the unknown deity“.
- Once you have at least 11 Knowledge and 11 Prowess, go see Jezebel at the Caves in the afternoon.
- Go to the Library in the afternoon and retrieve the Necronomicon.
- Once you have at least 15 Knowledge and 15 Prowess, go see Jezebel at the Caves in the afternoon.
- The next Event: “Jezebel in your bedroom” will automatically play at the start of the day once you have at least 17 Knowledge and 17 Prowess.
- Once you have at least 23 Knowledge and 23 Prowess, go see Jezebel at the Caves in the afternoon and: “Accept” the proposition.
- The next Event: “Jezebel at the Church” will automatically play at the end of the day once you have at least 25 Knowledge and 25 Prowess. You must “Accept” to bring her one of the Princesses.
- Gain the trust of Blanche, Charlotte or Diane (Do their Events)
- The next Event: “the sacrifice” will automatically play once you have at least 30 Knowledge and 30 Prowess and gained the trust of at least one Princess.
- Choose which Princess you want to sacrifice (she will disappear for the rest of the game).
- (You can now marry her on the 30th Day!)
Note: You don’t need to thwart Balaam‘s or Perfidus‘ plan…
Princess #6: Calista

How to: Raise your Skills every morning and do her Events in the afternoon.
- :
- Once you have at least 7 Prowess and 7 Charm, go see Calista at the Haunted Manor in the afternoon.
- Once you have at least 10 Prowess and 10 Charm, go see Calista at the Haunted Manor in the afternoon.
- Once you have at least 13 Prowess and 13 Charm, go see Calista at the Haunted Manor in the afternoon.
- Once you have at least 16 Prowess and 16 Charm, go see Calista at the Haunted Manor in the afternoon.
- Once you have at least 21 Prowess and 21 Charm, go see Calista at the Haunted Manor in the afternoon.
- Go to the Church in the afternoon to receive the Amulet of St. Lupercus.
- Once you have at least 26 Prowess and 26 Charm, go see Calista at the Haunted Manor in the afternoon.
- Once you have at least 30 Prowess and 30 Charm, go see Calista at the Haunted Manor in the afternoon. (You can now marry her on the 30th Day!)
Note: You don’t need to thwart Balaam‘s or Perfidus‘ plan…
Princess #7: Violaine

How to: Raise your Skills every morning and do her Events in the afternoon.
- :
- Once you have at least 7 Knowledge and 7 Charm, go see Violaine at the Cemetery in the afternoon.
- Once you have at least 10 Knowledges and 10 Charm, go see Violaine at the Cemetery in the afternoon.
- Once you have at least 13 Knowledges and 13 Prowess, go see Violaine at the Cemetery in the afternoon.
- Once you have at least 16 Knowledges and 16 Charm, go see Violaine at the Cemetery in the afternoon.
- Once you have at least 21 Knowledges and 21 Prowess, go see Violaine at the Cemetery in the afternoon and “Accept” her request.
- The next Event: “Stealing the Solar Protectus” will automatically play during the Royal Feast of the week (Day 7, 14, 21, etc.)
- You need at least 28 Knowledges and 28 Charm to succeed
- Go see Violaine at the Cemetery in the afternoon.
- You will lose the Solar Protectus
- Once you have at least 30 Knowledges and 30 Prowess, go see Violaine at the Cemetery in the afternoon. (You can now marry her on the 30th day!)
Note: You don’t need to thwart Balaam‘s or Perfidus‘ plan…
Harems (DLC)
First follow the walkthrough for the Royal Princesses (Blanche, Charlotte, Diane) you want to match and than do the same thing for the Dark Princesses (Jezebel, Calista, Violaine). If you did everything right, one of their last Event will be replace by a new common one.
The possible combinations are:
- Two Princesses:
- Jezebel and Diane
- Calista and Blanche
- Violaine and Charlotte
Unlike the base game, you can’t marry them both. You have to chose the Dark Princess on the 30th Day to get the extra CG scene with the Royal Princess. (Ex: Follow the Blanche‘s route, than the Calista‘s route and finally chose to marry Calista on the 30th Day)
- The three Dark Princesses:
- Jezebel, Calista and Violaine
Chose Jezebel on the 30th Day and you will get an extra scene with Calista and Violaine.
- All the Princesses:
- Blanche, Charlotte, Diane, Alienor, Jezebel, Calista and Violaine
Definitively the hardest harem and the only one that can’t be done without using the Flux Turner (so be careful and save often). You will need to:
- Have at least 30 in all Skill.
- “Refuse” Orcus‘ request in the Jezebel‘s route.
- Obtain the Amulet of St. Lupercus from Calista‘s route.
- Obtain the Solar Protectus from Violaine‘s route. Don’t give it back!
- Learn how to defeat Orcus at the Library.
- Gain the love of all of the Princesses (You will need to do most of their Events).
Only then will you be able to enter the Cave and defeat Orcus.
- After that you will be able marry everyone! (exept Titania ੭(ಥ_ಥ)੭ )
Note: You don’t need to thwart Balaam‘s or Perfidus‘ plan…
== The “Perfect” Start ==
Since you will need multiple playthrough to unlock everything and dealing with all the time sensitive Events at the start of each game can become overwelming, Here is my guide for a “pecfect” start:
- This guide assume you are playing on Normal and have at least 30 in all your Skills. If itsn’t the case, just follow the Titania‘s walkthrough first.
Day 1
- :
- Morning: Go to the Library.
- Afternoon: Go to the Castle, talk to Alienor and ask: “About Alienor“.
Day 2
- :
- Morning: Go to the Market.
- Afternoon: Go to the Church, talk to Blanche, “Thank the Divines” and ask her: “What did you pray for“.
Day 3
- :
- Morning: Go to the Training Ground.
- Afternoon: Go to the Tavern and talk to Charlotte.
Day 4
- :
- Morning: Go to the Forest.
- Afternoon: Wander Around and chose: “I wish to stay big“.
- You will now have the Flux Turner…
- Night: Use the Flux Turner.
Day 4 (b)
- :
- Morning: Go to the Training Ground.
- Afternoon: Go to the Garden and talk to Diane.
Day 5
- :
- Morning: Go to the Market.
- Afternoon: Go to the Cave and Pray to the unknown deity.
Day 6
- :
- Morning: Go to the Market.
- Afternoon: Go to the Haunted Manor and talk to Calista.
- Night: Use the Flux Turner.
Day 6 (b)
- :
- Morning: Go to the Training Ground.
- Afternoon: Go to the Cemetery and talk to Violaine.
Day 7
- :
- Morning: Go to the Training Ground.
- Afternoon: Go to the Haunted Manor and talk to Calista.
- Royal Feast: Chose to “Listen” and than “Think of an excuse“.
Day 8
- :
- Morning: Wander Around and chose to “Investigate“.
- Afternoon: Go to the Castle and talk to Alienor.
- Night: Use the Flux Turner.
Day 8 (b)
- :
- Morning: Go to the Training Ground.
- Afternoon: Go to the Library and talk to Blanche.
Day 9
- :
- Morning: Go to the Castle and chose to “Ask more“.
- Afternoon: Go to the Tavern, talk to Charlotte and answer her :”Yes“
Day 10
- :
- Morning: Go to the Market.
- Afternoon: Go to the Forest and chose to “Read the Book“.
- You can now defeat the King in Yellow on the 14th Day
- Night: Use the Flux Turner.
!!!Save your game!!!
You should now always use this Save File instead of starting a new game each time. All the endings are possible and nothing can stop you now! (just be careful with the Flux Turner if you’re going for the “Ultimate Harem“.)
By le_passeur