LifePlay is a life simulation RPG that allows you to play in 186+ real world cities. Here is a simple guide on how to install mods in LifePlay.
The latest version: 5.1 with new stats and modules.
How to Install Mods Manually (by Vinfamy)
Download and extract the mod into LifePlay/Content/Modules
Make sure you don’t leave an extra directory level for the mod, meaning:
For Better Pregnancy for example, it should go like this: Content/Modules/sb_BetterPregnancy/sb_BetterPregnancy.lpmod
and NOT Content/Modules/sb_BetterPregnancy_v1_3/sb_BetterPregnancy/sb_BetterPregnancy.lpmod
(If this is the case after you extract the mod, you need to move the sb_BetterPregnancy folder out to Content/Modules and delete the (now empty) sb_BetterPregnancy_v1_3 folder)
Character and bedroom presets are much simpler and can be dropped anywhere in the Content/Modules folder. You’ll find them after clicking on the Load Preset button (floppy disk with an arrow up).
How to Install Mods Automatically (by NickNo)
As promised I want to share the LifePlay Launcher / Mod Manager with you.
It is a stand alone launcher (32/64 Bit .NET) for LifePlay. Just put it next to the LifePlay.exe in your game directory.
It can install, update and manage LifePlay modules and addons like character and room presets.
See screens for more…

Current Version: (15.01.2021)
Documentation: click here