This guide should help you to unlock the hardest trophy for Little Nightmares. I got it twice and here I’ll give some tools from my own experience just to help you on your attempts.
> Explanations & Tools

Welcome to this guide which should help you to get the “Hard to The Core” achievement on Steam or other platforms.
Before to start, you should know that this is the most difficult trophy to unlock for this game. You must complete the game in less than an hour and that without dying once. I got all achievements for the game and the dlc ‘Secrets of The Maw’ in just six hours and I really got this hardest trophy on my first try. I confess it, I got some tries on PS4 before my attempt on Steam but this means that I have already unlocked this trophy twice. That’s why I wanted to give you some tools, these could help you to get it very easily.
> Tools list, everything you need to know for your attempts.
• You can play the game a few times to understand how you need to complete the puzzles and the bosses. Remember everything, the time when something dangerous will come and threatens to kill Six. Your attempts need to be like an automatism.
• You need to know that the ‘pause’ menu doesn’t count in the timer. This means that you can beat a chapter and if you want to eat a cookie, you can do it before continuing your attempt. Remember that you can open this menu to remind you the after scene. This could help you to do some bosses without any problem. As well, you could just ignore collectibles if you don’t want to lost some precious seconds.
• You should know how Six work, especially when she ‘run’ or ‘jump’ because this is one of the most important thing to understand. You need to remind yourself that she gets tired very quickly if you’re just running for some seconds. That’s why you can use some jumps to save Six when a monster is close to get her. Remember that a simple jump will propel Six further, just this trick could save your attempt. Just a reminder, you can “run” while crouching and turn on your lighter while running. Warning you to be careful, falling is the most easiest death.
More Guides:
- Little Nightmares: All Nomes locations (Little Lost Things Achievement)
- Little Nightmares: All Gnomes & Lady Statues Guide