Lords of the Fallen: Collector Achievements Checklist

Custom made spreadsheet for tracking your progress of Collector Achievements in Lords of the Fallen.



As I sometimes tend to do with completion hunting in games, I made a spreadsheet for Lords of the Fallen about two weeks ago and have been slowly adding to it and refining it. Finally got around to finishing it today and wanted to share it with any other fellow hunters looking for each weapon, armor, ring and so on that they may be missing.

The Sheet

Click the link to view the sheet and make your own copy of it: File > Make a Copy.

Lords of the Fallen Collection Checklist[docs.google.com]

On the Main sheet I put a little table to show your total progress which will update as you fill the lists on the other sheets. They are sorted into individual achievement categories that the game uses i.e. Trinkets includes Rings and Pendants, but Spells are divided by element.

Armor from the Shrines are not required for the achievement but are shown in the list if you want to keep an eye on them anyway. They are excluded from calculations unless you decide to add a Checkbox beside them.

Each collectible item is hyperlinked to its respective page on the wiki for more information on where to find them. (Note: Some entries have flawed information so refer to the comment section of the page for more answers.)

While not exactly the purpose of the sheet, I added item effects of Umbral Eyes and Trinkets because I liked how it looks, and the info could serve as an added quick identifier on the items.

Lastly, each individual sheet has its own reset button to wipe the check boxes so you can start with a clean slate, and if for any reason you decide to double check any of your collections later.
(You can also press Ctrl+A to select all and Space to toggle Checkboxes instead.)

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