A couple of presets mostly for female characters for people that are too lazy to customize their own character.
Assassin Preset

- Dark brown with reddish brown long hairstyle;
- White skin;
- Green eyes;
- Dark red lipstick
Download link:
mega . nz / folder / Yk82yDgC#0lszmyG-vQiQEHQWdXqDMg
(remove spaces)
Gunner (female) Presets

- Black with white (half/half) short hairstyle;
- White skin;
- Heterochromia (black with orange right eye/blue left eye);
- Pink lipstick with hot pink eyeliner
Download link:
mega . nz / folder / x51QGZrB#3L1ElHY17OkEp-KAcjTTzg
(remove spaces)
- Blond short hairstyle;
- White skin;
- Blue eyes;
- Based on Sailor Uranus from Sailor Moon
Download link:
mega . nz / folder / p1twRDKK#rZh_U4kX2QonU5FPYDJrUg
(remove spaces) (folder also has similar preset for Martial Artist)
- Arsenic green wavy hairstyle;
- White skin;
- Green eyes;
- Based on Sailor Neptune from Sailor Moon
Download link:
mega . nz / folder / gotkALLI#usFfXgviSztftYchDsduiQ
(remove spaces)
- White with light red long hairstyle;
- White skin;
- No iris;
- Black lipstick
Download link:
mega . nz / folder / N8lyFbSB#MX_Ch3Sq-IaCc3_4zrr4wQ
(remove spaces)
Mage Presets

- Black with dark blue long hairstyle;
- Light blue skin;
- Dirty orange iris color;
- Ears-fins
Download link:
mega . nz/ folder / Zk8AxTaB#jUk8CxW7zwImr6RZFldYcQ
(remove spaces)
- Black with red short hairstyle;
- Red-ish skin;
- Blue eyes;
- Red flame eye makeup
Download link:
mega . nz / folder / I18UgZQB#VFh1wl37s-Z5jqZtDYHwGA
(remove spaces)
- Black with light blue hairstyle;
- Pale white skin;
- Blue eyes;
- Dots and line face makeup
Download link:
mega . nz / folder / Rt0kxRhR#E3xs_fBHv3htJprdKwGb7w
(remove spaces)
- Black&gold hairstyle;
- Black skin;
- Golden eyes;
- Golden lipstick, light gold blush
Download link:
mega . nz / folder / IxkiFBxL#uiPGPnF_GoQQ0_ZyCNegIQ
(remove spaces)
- Ginger pigtails hairstyle;
- Pale white skin;
- Green eyes;
- Freckles
Download link:
mega . nz / folder / J1sQSLqI#Dawdph_eNOiT0uZ857r3hA
(remove spaces)
- Blue with pink long hairstyle;
- White skin with light pink blush;
- Blue eyes with black circle inside;
- Based on Stocking from Stocking Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
Download link:
mega . nz / folder / MlkGAToQ#uFYXJCKIKSa264LNvBhi_w
(remove spaces)
Martial Artist (female) Presets

- Light pink short ponytail hairstyle;
- White skin;
- Blue eyes;
- Caucasian
Download link:
mega . nz / folder / x9tGSJiA#AeGffF9DP4eyOox8OQ6w9A
(remove spaces)
- Light brown ponytail hairstyle;
- White skin;
- Grey eyes;
- Caucasian
Download link:
mega . nz / folder / l9kg0TZL#DPrnLCt2Jzi7fi8IroV_Kg
(remove spaces)
Warrior Presets

- Dark brown short hairstyle;
- Tanned skin;
- Brown eyes;
- Based on Ernest Khalimov
Download link:
mega.nz / folder / dtlmDLZJ#JD1PchfXQh1M63IBCDSf0g
(remove spaces)
- Dark brown dreads hairstyle;
- Black skin;
- Dark grey eyes;
- That’s preset of my Paladin, called Norvald
Download link:
mega . nz / folder / clsUTBaJ#-uYavXlG61dtAvV_XXrASw
(remove spaces)
Adding presets
You don’t need to post .png file in folder with presets, links for download have those in case if you’ll download multiple folders, so you can see what’s what without having to open game.
More Guides:
- Lost Ark: How to Fix “Authentication Failed Error 10010” Issue
- Lost Ark: How to Play on Windows 7
- Lost Ark: Aquilok’s Head Dungeon Mokoko Seed Guide
- Lost Ark: Crystals & Royal Crystals Prices
- Lost Ark: All Mokoko Seeds (Luterra Castle)