M.A.I.D.s: 100% Achievements Guide (All Endings & Choices)

Here is a 100% achievements guide for you. enjoy the game.



You can’t miss them.

Meet Viki

Meet Daisy

Meet Diana

Meet Bee

Meet Meng Li

Chapter I

Chapter II

Poor guy

Don’t mind me

Veil lifted


You should get any “good ending”, so don’t side with Meng Li. If you fail all in-game choices (see: “I did everything I could”), you won’t get an option to choose the good ending.

We survived and that’s all that matters.
In order to get this achievement, you have to fail half of the in-game choices (see: “I did everything I could”), or simply vote against rights for M.A.I.D.s. Then, choosing the option to antagonize Meng Li would lead to this ending. Remember that you have to make at least one “right” choice to get an option to choose the ending.

Love, peace and cakes
For the best ending, you have to vote for the rights of M.A.I.D.s and make at least half “right” choices through the game. For the information, which choices are considered “right”, see “I did everything I could”.

Uncertain future
You have to choose the option to side with Meng Li or fail all in-game choices (see: “I did everything I could”).


Forbidden fruit
You have to choose the option to side with Meng Li or fail all in-game choices (see: “I did everything I could”).

Dirty piggy
Don’t wash your hands when this choice is given.

Like a boss
Don’t listen to Diana when she demands to throw away your garbage.

Easily manipulated
In the conversation with Daisy in bedroom, first inquire about Bee, but do not inquire further once you’ve slept with her.

Change of heart
Remember your choice when questioned by Pollster. Once you vote for or against rights of M.A.I.D.s, vote opposite to what you’ve said to him.

I did everything I could
To get it, you have to fail all the in-game choices, but the logic for them is pretty specific. We considered the choices “right” if they help player win the conflict against Meng Li, and not necessarily coincide with the “right” choices from the point of view of healthcare.
This is the hardest achievement, which caused problems for some players.  Below are listed the choices, which are considered a failure. Other choices, not listed here, do not influence endings or this achievement.

1. Why should I wash my hands? It’s not as if everything around is dirty.
2. Stick to what I said earlier. I will do my best, but I won’t make any promise.
3. I don’t want them to have any rights. I want them to suck my ass.
4. I’m going to ignore the restrictions because they limit my freedom. However, I must be careful not to get fired, so I should, at least, pretend.
5. I don’t care about it anymore.
6. I decided to intervene. I didn’t need another conflict in the family.
7. Respond.
8. Yes, they have a right to know. I don’t want to possibly endanger my colleagues.
9. I already told you. I don’t want them to have rights. I want them to suck my ass.

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