Portals of Phereon: Cheats Guide (Cheat Codes, Description, Location)

Portals of Phereon is an adult game developed by Syvaron; there are 3 different characters in the game. You need to explore the open world with your characters. Here is a cheat guide for you below.

Note: the latest version is now out with new characters, events, items, skills etc.


Portals of Phereon Cheats

Warning: Most cheat codes flag your save game as “cheated” and you can’t unlock traits etc. for the next playthrough.

Cheat Code Description Location
money gives money Town
stone gives stone Town
wood gives wood Town
crystals gives crystal Town
resources gives you all resources Town
maxexhaustion increase player(max)exhaustion Town
commonitem gain a random item of a common rarity Town
rareitem gain a random item of a rare rarity Town
legendaryitem gain a random item of a legendary rarity Town
character get a random basic character Town
portal create random new portal Town
relations maxes out all town npc relations Town
lewds maxes out all town npc lewdity (not considered cheating in v0.9.10.1) Town
tavernpoints gain points to use in the tavern Town
skillpoints gain points to use in the main character skill tree Town
breed instantly breeds the two first characters in your party with basic focuses Town
unlimited sets savetype as unlimited/the basic one Town
evoall unlocks all body parts for the evolution main character Town
egg random egg Town
makeegg get an egg from first 2 partycharacters Town
opmc makes mc op(overpowered) Town
brothelrank increase brothelrank Town
passtime pass 10 days without triggering events/things Town
mcexp gives 100xp to main character Town
allspecies unlock all forms Town
genetics max all genes for main character Town
newgameplus starts a newgame+ immediatly Town
clear clears creation worldmodifier Town
scout to reveal entire map Overworld
event to trigger an event Overworld
restore heal party Overworld
gen generates a new world with the same settings Overworld
mana a lot of maxmana for main character Overworld

Also, you can find more cheat guides below:

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