She Will Punish Them: Console Commands

Welcome to our She Will Punish Them Console Commands & Cheats Guide!


  • She Will Punish Them Console Commands

Key Food Selection > Load up the Save Game > wait for the video game to make entirely > Press END + PAGE UP

  • Available Cheats

These are all the available cheats:

KILL ALL: To kill everybody
SUICIDE: Auto kill
SELF INJURY: to hurt yourself
ADD 5000 EXP: Adds 5k Exp
ADD EXP TO ARMY: Adds Exp to the army
ADD 1000000 GOLD: Adds 1M gold
ADD 5000 GOLD: Adds 5k gold
ADD 5000 CRYSTALS: Adds 5k Crystals
UNLIMITED SPECIAL ATTACK: Infinite special attack
WIN MAP: Auto win current map
GET ALL CLOTHES: Unlocks all the clothes
GET ALL LINGERIES: Unlocks all the lingeries
GET ALL WEAPONS: Unlocks all the weapons
INVINSIBLE ALL: Everybody invisible
SLOW TIME: Slows time
CLEAR ALL LOCATIONS: Clears all locations
END DAY: Ends /skips the current day

  • Custom Cheats

You can redefine the cheat commands:

Unzip dnSpy 6.8.1 32-bit
Switch to unzipped folder
Right click on dnSpy.exe and launch as administrator
Click on File > Close All > File > Open
Navigate to your installation folder and into the sub-directory “\She Will Punish Them_Data\Managed”
Select Assembly-CSharp.dll
Click on { } – (left side of dnSpy)
Scroll down and click on Global
Click on the editor on the right
Press CTRL + F and search uicheat
Keybinds: Press enter until you find the line “if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.End) && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.PageUp))”. You can change the keybinds if you want
Now instead of click on Global, scroll down until you find UICheat and replace some of the existing cheats with new ones
More Custom Cheats Information
Here gamers can customize cheat keybinds to whatever the players desire. To make custom-made cheats in She Will Punish Them choose “UICheat” instead of ‘Global’. Now gamers can change some existing cheats with brand-new ones and it’s suggested that you only change the cheats that you aren’t utilizing with new ones. Otherwise, there will be some issues.

Likewise for some cheats, gamers will have to make additional changes to the code and satisfy other dependencies. Moreover, gamers need to make these modifications after every video game upgrade.

If players made some changes which are compiling, nevertheless, the video game isn’t releasing and a little crash press reporter shows up. Right-click on “Class” and select ‘Edit Class C#’ and choose ‘Compile’. If the game still does not launch then bring back the dll with the backup you make earlier because the modified code is missing reliances and will not release without them.

That is all for our She Will Punish Them Cheats Guide with pointers on how to allow cheats and how to develop customized cheats.

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