A guide to achieving all the successes of TerraTech
TerraTech All Achievements Guide
[Difficulty : Very Easy] Beat big tony , tip : to face big tony you have to play the campaign game mode and not skippe the tutorial
[Difficulty : Hard] Beat a tech that costs 20 000 BB more than your tech , tip : make a little tech and beat a giant tech with this little tech [BB = Block Bucks]
[Difficulty : Not Very Hard] Defeat a Tech within 100m , tip: use long range weapons
[Difficulty : Normal] Get all game corp , tip: farm the exp for GSO and complete missions in trading stations to get a corp
[Difficulty : Not Very Easy] Find alien biome , tip: explore the world and search for alien biome
[Difficulty : Not Easy] Defeat Merchant Troll in less than 15 minutes of play on
this save , tip: speedrun the tutorial and beat merchant troll
[Difficulty : Easy] Have 1 Million BB , tip : use automatic miners below the resource slips and put a lot of automatic miners to get out and recover a lot of resources for sale [BB = Block Bucks]
[Difficulty : Easy] Put more than 50 different block in your tech , tip : put any different block in your tech except weapons
[Difficulty : Not Hard] Tip : Farm missions in the game for the exp
[Difficulty : Not Hard] Reattach 10 blocks ripped off by enemies , tip : find a very bad enemy and wait for them to rip 10 blocks and reattach the blocks ripped by enemies
[Difficulty : Easy] Tip : use a plane to get very high and drop
[Difficulty : Easy] Tip: use a digger to overturn a very small enemy
[Difficulty : Very Hard] Tip : Create a tech that exceeds 300 MPH and must maintain that speed for 5 seconds
[Difficulty : Not Hard] Tip : put a purchasing terminal in a scrapyard to have resources to create another purchasing terminal
[Difficulty : Not Easy] Tip: use the venture plane for the gauntlet
More Guides:
- TerraTech: Modded Blocks for Campaign Mode Guide
- TerraTech: Flying/Jump Tank Techniques (Hoverbug Including)