The Secret Reloaded: All Console Commands

The Secret Reloaded is a 3DCG adult game developed by Aorrta. the latest version 0.4.9b is now out. here is a list of all console commands to cheat in the game.


All Console Commands (Credit to micmitja)

save_name = u'' ('name' and save again) keep in mind named save stick with you to remove it write initial code without name, or do double save before you name it

patreon = True
+= =

Username = u'MC'

lola_relations =

vicki_relations =
vickidate_relations = ???

jerry_relations =

jordan_relations =

preferences.skip_unseen = False (Skip all text in the menu)

Note: always check the variable before you change it without “=”.


How to Use (Example):

If you want to change the characters’ name, you can just enter the following commands:

Username = u'MC'
mom = u'Mary'

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