The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe – How to Get Almost All Achievements with Modding

here is how to get achievements such as “speed run” and “commitment” and more in tsp: ultra deluxe with 5% of your effort


install melonloader

note: both melonloader & the mod for it used are both open source, they are not malicious

first, you need to install melonloader[]. it is a tool used to mod unity games.

once you are on the webpage, scroll down and make sure to install the requirements for it. the net framework and the visual c++ redistributable.

now download and open the file called “MelonLoader.Installer.exe”.

this is what you will see

now click “SELECT” next to “Unity Game:” and go to the folder where you installed the stanley parable ultra deluxe and select the exe.

click install.

install the mod

now that melonloader is installed, we can finally install the mod that melonloader will load.

go to this github page[] and download StanleyParableUltraModDeluxe.dll.

go to steam and click browse local files for the game. you should see the “Mods” folder after you have installed melonloader on the game.

copy or move the dll file to the “Mods” folder and boot up the game.

effortlessly getting the achievement

once you boot up the game, you should get a menu that looks like this.

begin the game and press P.

good job, you did it!

other things you can do

  • you can noclip out of bounds
  • unlock doors
  • enable jumping
  • run very fast


the end

i did not make this mod, credits to LavaGang & markthomas007 on github

final note: this mod will not give you all achievements!

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