Here are some Tips and Tricks for Alligator hunting in theHunter: Call of the Wild™!
Many players have ben getting confused by these animals. How do they behave? Are they aggressive? I shot one but it sank to the bottom of the lake? What’s with that?
Well, look no further because I plan to virtually dissect these animals so you are always guarantee a harvest. (Unless it gets stuck between two trees. In that case, mark down the location of your gator on the map, fast travel somewhere else and come back. It works 90% of the time.)Alligators spend the majority of their time on water, swimming and traveling. The rest they spend laying down still as a log at the banks of their waterbodies, with the only giveaway being their everglowing eyes.
Because they mimetize so well with their surroundings and although they are big animals, they are not very tall, it can be difficult to see them at the banks where they rest. This makes them easier to see when they are swimming, with their heads adobe the water.
I suspect the alligator has the same aggression levels as bears or lions. Not prone to attack unless startled (meaning, you sneaked up to them TOO close)
I have never ben directly attacked by an alligator, but I’ve ben trampled by them. They do not hurt very much, so you can leave your medpacks at home if you wish.
Alligators are marked as Class 6 animals, meaning you can, technically, down one with the .243, but honestly, if you have something better for the job, grab that.
Where to shoot
Probably the most questioned question.
Will this gator float or sink to the bottom? Is this a bug of a feature?
Regardless of if it is intentional or not, my findings shows that it depends on wether an alligator is on land or on water, as weird as it sounds.
Shooting an alligator on a VITAL organ will make it so it floats to you. However, since you cant shoot underwater, that leaves lungshots impossible if a gator is swimming.
The Vital organs are as follow:
Brain – Lower Neck – Lungs – Heart – Liver
The most difficult way to bag an alligator is if that alligator is on water. In order for you to be able to harvest the alligator, you must hit the brain or the lower neck. Hitting the head is not enough, the bullet has to hit brain.
Where to aim? If the gator is facing sideways and is moving, aim at the eye, following the trajectory of the animal. At around 150 meter, you should be able to hit brain.
If the gator is facing straight towards you, aim between the eyes.
Do not worry if you dont succeed at first, it is not an easy shot. Their brains are tiny and they are moving targets. You can use females or low level males to practice, but I always reccomend shooting them on land.
You will know if you missed brain simply by the fact that the gator is not floating to you. They will sink to the bottom of the lake when fleeing. You can try again later (in my 7mm experience, they can survive a headshot no problem) once they have re-surfaced again.
For that, you may need to either crouch/prone somewhere closeby or return to the area in a minute or two.
As mentioned adobe, you can’t shoot underwater, so your only way to get a shot at a gator is to hit brain or lower neck.
If an alligator is resting on land, you can aim for a lungshot. The alligator will then either run straight to the water or circle around for some time before going in to the water, regardless of what happens, the alligator will float to you if dies submerged.
Because alligators can spend a lot of time without breathing, they will take longer than other animals to die from a lungshot. Be patient and wait a couple seconds for it to bob to the surface and float to you. If you hit lung or liver, that is.
As with headshots, gators survive well flesh wounds, so unless you see the purple zone in your map, it will come back eventually.
What to do if you want THIS gator in particular.
Say you have found a Legendary Gator, or a Rare one and you want to pass all the checks, but oh no, it is swimming and Im not confident with my headshots yet.
You can do 3 things.
Follow it and see where it is heading, if its heading towards land, chances are it will go on land and bask, thats an easy shot.
If it is not going towards land, you may note the area it was and try another time.
If you’d rather not try another time and it is going nowhere near land, you can wait and stalk it. They will eventually have to go on land. Sooner or later………
Where to find gators
When to find gators
Alligators are around their water bodies all day, however, they often submerge underwater when it is feeding time. Therefore I reccomend not going gator-hunting when they are feeding.
Traveling*: 00:00 – 03:00
Feeding: 03:00 – 06:00 || 06:00 – 09:00 || 20:00 – 00:00
Resting: 09:00 – 12:00 || 12:00 – 16:00 || 16:00 – 20:00
*Traveling is considered as swimming aimlessly on their water bodies
More Guides:
- theHunter Call of the Wild™: Layton Lake District (Artifacts, Collectibles, Landmarks, PoIs and Other Structures)
- theHunter Call of the Wild: All Secret Locations in Silver Ridge Peaks
- theHunter Call of the Wild: All Secret Locations (Carolina’s Challenge Targets, Landmarks, Outposts and Lookout Points of Parque Fernando)
- theHunter Call of the Wild™: Down and Dirty Mil-dot Visual Guide
- theHunter: Call of the Wild – All Secret Locations for Sundarpatan Hunting Reserve