How to change resolution of VR chat camera and screen shots
Make config.json File
Step 1
Go to C:\Users\User\AppData\LocalLow\VRChat\VRChat
Hint: Sometimes might be easier to hit Windows key and type %appdata% and navigate from there
Step 2
Make a new text file (will be changed to a json) in this location called config.json
Open this json file in note pad and paste the following into it and then save it. (in this case it will output 4k)
{ "camera_res_height": 2160, "camera_res_width": 3840, "screenshot_res_height": 2160, "screenshot_res_width": 3840, }
Keep in mind VR chat’s Camera can go as low as 720p and as high as 4K resolution and can’t go higher or lower at the moment.
For more info on the config.json file go here
VR Chat docs – configuration file
By SonoraWolf