This will help you upgrade the game to latest version from
Download the latest version
Goto and download the either the traditional installer or the portable version
The difference between installers:
Traditional installer
User data such as savegame, screenshots(not taken by Steam) and mods are located in %appdata%\Warzone 2100 Project\Warzone 2100
Portable installer
User data such as savegame, screenshots(not taken by Steam) and mods are located in Steam\steamapps\common\Warzone 2100\Warzone 2100
Open the folder where the Steam version is located.
- Find the game in your Steam client and click the ‘cog -> Manage -> Browse local files’
- Select everything in the folder and delete them (this is to avoid problems between the Steam version and the ‘proper’ version)
- Now open warzone2100_win_x64_installer.exe or warzone2100_win_x64_portable.exe that you downloaded earlier.
When you get to where you want install the game, change the path to the (now empty) Steam version (located in Steam\steamapps\common\Warzone 2100)
- When the installation is complete, find the game in your Steam client and click the ‘cog -> Properties…’ and disable ‘Enable Steam Overlay while in-game’.
This is to avoid graphical corruption in the game.
By BloodShed