This guide demonstrates how to create a Dedicated Server for Your Journey of Survival.
Download SteamCMD
a. Go to the SteamCMD website at
b. Click on the link to download the SteamCMD installer for your operating system.
c. Save the installer to your computer.
Installing the server
Installing the dedicated server:
a. Create a new folder where you want to install the dedicated server.
b. Open SteamCMD.
c. Type the following command: login anonymous
d. Type the following command to set the installation directory: force_install_dir [directory]
e. Type the following command to install the server: app_update 2515600 validate
f. Wait for the installation process to complete.
a. Navigate to the directory where your YJOS server has been installed.
b. Under the “SurvivalGame\Content\Data\DedicatedServer\Configuration” directory, you will find a configuration file, “Config.json“. Open this file, and it will look something like this:
{ “ServerName”: “Default YJOS Server”, “ValveAntiCheat”: true, “MaxPlayers”: 8, “LAN”: false, “AdvertiseServer”: true, “ServerMOTD”: “Welcome to this default Your Journey of Survival Server!”, “TimeSimulationEnabled”: true, “DayLengthInMinutes”: 30, “NightLengthInMinutes”: 15, “AvoidExtremeCloudCoverageShifts”: true, “AvoidRepeatingWeatherTypes”: false, “EnableLightning”: true, “EnableStormWindParticles”: true, “WeatherTransitionLength”: 0.35, “RandomWeatherVariation”: true, “WeatherSpeed”: 1.0, “ExtraNightBrightnessCloudCoverage”: 0.0, “CloudsMoveWithTime”: true, “SolarEclipsesEnabled”: true, “NightTimeStarsIntensity”: 0.75, “NightTimeAurorasEnabled”: false, “EnablePassiveAI”: true, “EnableAggressiveAI”: true, “PassiveAISpawnCount”: 10, “AggressiveAISpawnCount”: 4 }
Once you have configured the parameters as you desire, then go back to the main folder where the “SurvivalGameServer” executable is located, and make a shortcut to that executable.
In the executable shortcut’s properties, add this line to the end of the shortcut’s target: -log -port=xxxxx (replacing the x’s with a usable port number up to 5 digits).