This is a modification of settings based on the RoN AI mod. (Version 1.2.0)
This config below aims to keep the intensity of the game, but reduce the ai’s inhuman snap speed, reduce the ai’s aimhack accuracy to promote more firefights and suppression, and lower the ai’s health values so you don’t have to shoot them several times when they aren’t even wearing armor.
I tried to stay as close to the original game’s vision as I could, all while making it more realistically fair.
It does not make it easier by any means, but makes it a lot more fair and realistic. It also slightly lowers the minimum and maximum morale values to be more varied but also not so overpowered.
Important values that were changed: RequiredTimeSpentOnTarget (time they must be looking at a target before firing), SuspectAccuracy went from 1.5 to 2.5 (so they are less like hacking snipers), and SuspectTimeWithWeaponUpBeforeFiring (to make sure they actually hold the weapon up before firing).
Brief Intro
Though we’ve been playing for a few days, my friend and I dialed this all in tonight after playing for 6 straight hours. These values are what we felt were best. The game feels much more free-flowing to us, all while retaining the tactical aspect, intensity, and overall feel for the game.
The default speed and accuracy of the AI in game was far from “realistic” or even being really fair. If you check some slow-mo replays online, you’ll see exactly what I mean. The Devs even acknowledged the AI is “BS” sometimes – their own words.
We strive for as close to realism as possible in games. We’ve been playing a wide selection of milsims for years including the entire Arma series, Insurgency 1 & 2, Ground Branch, Zero Hour, Red Orchestra 2, Squad, Hell Let Loose, Post Scriptum, the SWAT series, the old Rainbow Six games, and many more that I can’t currently think of.
The only aspect of RoN that we could not stand was the insanely fast and miracle-like snapshooting of the AI.
I’m no expert by any means, but I do hold a Bachelor’s in Computer Programming and Software Development with a focus in Game Design and I’ve also been a huge history/military buff for my entire life since a very young age. I also grew up with firearms and learning how to properly/responsibly handle and maintain them.
Get Mod Files (I did not make the mod itself, I only changed the config values to be what I thought was better – the mod as it comes makes the game much too easy for my taste)
Follow the instructions in the provided readme file to get it all set up.
[Global] ASTimeBetweenTargetingCivilians = 3.0 ASTimeBeforeTargetingFirstCivilian = 35.0 BTTimeUntilBombExplodes = 720 BTMaxBombs = 2 BTMaxDistanceFromSelectedBombs = 2500.0 HRMaxDistanceFromSelectedSpawner = 1500.0 HRMaxRoamers=2 PolicePresenceDecayTime = 45.0 SuspectHealth=100.0 SwatHealth=250.0 CivilianHealth=80.0 UnalertedSightRange=3000 AlertedSightRange=6000 UnalertedPerceptionHalfAngle=90 AlertedPerceptionHalfAngle=160 MaxCivilians=12 MaxSuspects=12 MaxRoamers=3 SuspectAccuracy=2.5 SuspectDefaultFireRate=1.0 SuspectRifleFireRate=0.175 SuspectRifleFireRateDeviation=(X=-0.25,Y=0.5) SuspectSMGFireRate=0.1 SuspectSMGFireRateDeviation=(X=0.0,Y=0.5) SuspectPistolFireRate=0.2 SuspectPistolFireRateDeviation=(X=0.0,Y=2.0) SuspectShotgunFireRate=0.5 SuspectShotgunFireRateDeviation=(X=0.0,Y=0.5) SuspectAccuracyLostPerMeter=0.075 SuspectAccuracyLostPerMeterSecond = 0.3 SuspectTimeWithWeaponUpBeforeFiring=1.5 ; A value in seconds SuspectCoverEvaluationCooldown=10.0 SuspectTrackLastKnownPositionTime = 30.0 RequiredTimeSpentOnTarget = 1.0 SuspectMoraleMediumReload=0.5 ;If morale goes below this use the medium reload speed SuspectMoraleLowReload=0.3 ;If morale goes below this use te slow reload speed AIStunDuration = 16.0 BeanbagStunDuration = 3.0 MinMorale=0.15 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0 MaxMorale=0.85 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0 KickDoorMorale=0.25 KillEnemyMorale=-0.2 GrenadeDetonateMorale=-0.25 BeanbagShotgunMorale=-0.2 PepperballMorale=-0.05 TaserMorale =-1.0 BashMorale = -0.3 C2Morale = -0.25 StunHealth = 100 GrenadeStunDamage = 100 BeanbagShotgunStunDamage = 100 PepperballStunDamage = 25 TaserStunDamage = 100 MinFlees=-1 MaxFlees=2 MaxTraps=3 TrapType=Explosive TrapType=Flashbang MaxLockedDoorsPercentage = 0.225 MaxOpenDoorsPercentage = 0.075 NoExitChanceToSurrender=0.15 NoExitChanceToFakeSurrender=0.15 NoExitChanceToGoArmedAndDangerous=1.0 NoExitTimeToHesitateSuspectArmed=0.0 NoExitTimeToHesitateSuspectUnarmed=5.0 NoExitTimeToHesitateUnarmed=60.0 SuspectChanceToSpawnWithNoWeapon=0.2 TimeToFireAtDoorAfterKick=5.0 SwatAccuracy=1.0 SwatTimeWithWeaponUpBeforeFiring=1.0 ; A value in seconds SwatRifleFireRate=0.175 SwatRifleFireRateDeviation=(X=-0.25,Y=0.5) SwatSMGFireRate=0.1 SwatSMGFireRateDeviation=(X=0.0,Y=0.5) SwatPistolFireRate=0.2 SwatPistolFireRateDeviation=(X=0.0,Y=2.0) SwatShotgunFireRate=0.5 SwatShotgunFireRateDeviation=(X=0.0,Y=0.5) SwatLessLethalFireRate=1.0 SwatLessLethalFireRateDeviation=(X=0.0,Y=0.5) SwatAccuracyLostPerMeter=0.0 SwatCoverEvaluationCooldown=2.0 SwatTrackLastKnownPositionTime = 5.0 SwatDoorLockpickDistance=70.0 SwatDoorKickDistance=50.0 SwatDoorShotgunDistance=50.0 SwatDoorC2PlaceDistance=80.0 SwatDoorTrapDisarmDistance=70.0 SwatDoorMirrorDistance=70.0 SwatDoorWedgeDistance=50.0 SwatDoorOpenDistance=25.0 ; For Open/Close Door command MaxDoorInteractionDistance=1000.0 [ron_wb_combat_01a_BarricadedSuspects] MinMorale=0.3 [Lobby_V2] NoExitChanceToSurrender=0.0 NoExitChanceToFakeSurrender=0.0 NoExitChanceToGoArmedAndDangerous=0.0 MaxMorale=0.0 [RoN_Farm_Core_BarricadedSuspects] SuspectHealth=100.0 MaxCivilians=5 MaxSuspects=12 ASTimeBetweenTargetingCivilians = 6.0 ASTimeBeforeTargetingFirstCivilian = 35.0 SuspectDefaultFireRate=0.2 SuspectRifleFireRate=0.4 SuspectRifleFireRateDeviation=(X=-0.25,Y=0.5) SuspectSMGFireRate=0.15 SuspectSMGFireRateDeviation=(X=0.0,Y=0.5) SuspectPistolFireRate=0.2 SuspectPistolFireRateDeviation=(X=-1.0,Y=1.0) SuspectShotgunFireRate=0.5 SuspectShotgunFireRateDeviation=(X=0.2,Y=0.5) SuspectTimeWithWeaponUpBeforeFiring=1.5 ; A value in seconds SuspectCoverEvaluationCooldown=5.0 AIStunDuration = 16.0 MinMorale=0.25 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0 MaxMorale=0.85 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0 KickDoorMorale=0.25 KillEnemyMorale=-0.5 GrenadeDetonateMorale=-0.5 MinFlees=-1 MaxFlees=2 MaxTraps=3 TrapType=Explosive TrapType=Flashbang SuspectChanceToSpawnWithNoWeapon=0.3 TimeToFireAtDoorAfterKick=2.0 [RoN_Gas_Core_BombThreat] SuspectHealth=120.0 MaxCivilians=10 MaxSuspects=3 BTTimeUntilBombExplodes = 300 BTMaxBombs = 2 SuspectDefaultFireRate=0.7 SuspectRifleFireRate=0.4 SuspectRifleFireRateDeviation=(X=-0.25,Y=0.5) SuspectSMGFireRate=0.15 SuspectSMGFireRateDeviation=(X=0.0,Y=0.5) SuspectPistolFireRate=0.5 SuspectPistolFireRateDeviation=(X=-1.0,Y=1.0) SuspectShotgunFireRate=0.5 SuspectShotgunFireRateDeviation=(X=0.2,Y=0.5) SuspectTimeWithWeaponUpBeforeFiring=1.5 ; A value in seconds SuspectCoverEvaluationCooldown=10.0 AIStunDuration = 16.0 MinMorale=0.4 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0 MaxMorale=0.8 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0 KickDoorMorale=0.25 KillEnemyMorale=-0.7 GrenadeDetonateMorale=-0.4 MinFlees=-1 MaxFlees=2 MaxTraps=0 TrapType=Explosive NoExitChanceToSurrender=0.2 NoExitChanceToFakeSurrender=0.4 NoExitChanceToGoArmedAndDangerous=1.0 SuspectChanceToSpawnWithNoWeapon=0.0 TimeToFireAtDoorAfterKick=5.0 [RoN_Gas_Core_ActiveShooter] MaxCivilians=12 MaxSuspects=2 MaxTraps=0 MinMorale=0.25 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0 MaxMorale=0.85 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0 MinFlees=0 MaxFlees=0 SuspectChanceToSpawnWithNoWeapon=0.0 [RoN_Gas_Core_HostageRescue] SuspectHealth=100.0 MaxCivilians=3 MaxSuspects=10 MinMorale=0.25 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0 MaxMorale=0.85 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0 MinFlees=0 MaxFlees=1 MaxTraps=0 TrapType=Explosive SuspectChanceToSpawnWithNoWeapon=0.0 [RoN_Gas_Core_BarricadedSuspects] SuspectHealth=100.0 MaxCivilians=10 MaxSuspects=3 MinMorale=0.25 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0 MaxMorale=0.85 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0 MinFlees=0 MaxFlees=1 MaxTraps=1 TrapType=Explosive TrapType=Flashbang NoExitChanceToSurrender=0.2 NoExitChanceToFakeSurrender=0.4 NoExitChanceToGoArmedAndDangerous=1.0 [RoN_Gas_Core_Raid] SuspectHealth=120.0 MaxCivilians=10 MaxSuspects=7 MinMorale=0.25 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0 MaxMorale=0.85 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0 MinFlees=0 MaxFlees=0 MaxTraps=0 TrapType=Explosive SuspectChanceToSpawnWithNoWeapon=0.0 [RoN_Port_Core_HostageRescue] HRMaxDistanceFromSelectedSpawner = 1500.0 HRMaxRoamers=3 SuspectHealth=100.0 CivilianHealth=50.0 MaxCivilians=3 MaxSuspects=10 UnalertedSightRange=1000 AlertedSightRange=2500 UnalertedPerceptionHalfAngle=45 AlertedPerceptionHalfAngle=160 SuspectAccuracy=2.1 SuspectDefaultFireRate=0.75 SuspectAccuracyLostPerMeter=0.05 SuspectTimeWithWeaponUpBeforeFiring=1.5 ; A value in seconds SuspectTrackLastKnownPositionTime = 30.0 RequiredTimeSpentOnTarget = 1.0 AIStunDuration = 6.0 MinMorale=0.20 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0 MaxMorale=0.85 ; A value from 0.0 to 1.0 KickDoorMorale=0.25 KillEnemyMorale=-0.2 GrenadeDetonateMorale=-0.4 BeanbagShotgunMorale=-0.5 PepperballMorale=-0.1 TaserMorale =-1.0 BashMorale = -0.3 StunHealth = 100 GrenadeStunDamage = 100 BeanbagShotgunStunDamage = 50 PepperballStunDamage = 25 TaserStunDamage = 100 MinFlees=0 MaxFlees=1 MaxTraps=2 TrapType=Explosive TrapType=Flashbang NoExitChanceToSurrender=0.0 NoExitChanceToFakeSurrender=0.1 NoExitChanceToGoArmedAndDangerous=1.0 SuspectChanceToSpawnWithNoWeapon=0.0 TimeToFireAtDoorAfterKick=1.0 SwatAccuracy=1.5 SwatTimeWithWeaponUpBeforeFiring=0.1 ; A value in seconds [RoN_Dealer_Core_BarricadedSuspects] SuspectHealth=100.0 CivilianHealth=80.0 UnalertedSightRange=1300 AlertedSightRange=3500 UnalertedPerceptionHalfAngle=90 AlertedPerceptionHalfAngle=160 MaxCivilians=7 MaxSuspects=17 MaxRoamers=4 SuspectAccuracy=2.0 SuspectDefaultFireRate=1.0 SuspectRifleFireRate=0.3 SuspectRifleFireRateDeviation=(X=-0.25,Y=0.5) SuspectSMGFireRate=0.2 SuspectSMGFireRateDeviation=(X=0.0,Y=0.5) SuspectPistolFireRate=0.4 SuspectPistolFireRateDeviation=(X=0.0,Y=2.0) SuspectShotgunFireRate=0.5 SuspectShotgunFireRateDeviation=(X=0.0,Y=0.5) SuspectAccuracyLostPerMeter=0.02 SuspectAccuracyLostPerMeterSecond = 0.3 SuspectTimeWithWeaponUpBeforeFiring=1.5 ; A value in seconds SuspectCoverEvaluationCooldown=10.0 SuspectTrackLastKnownPositionTime = 30.0 RequiredTimeSpentOnTarget = 1.0 SuspectMoraleMediumReload=0.5
If morale goes below this use the medium reload sp
By Corrosion
More Guides:
- Ready or Not: Map/AI Settings (Hard but Fair)
- Ready or Not: Basic Guide for C2 Usage
- Ready or Not: How to Spot and Disarm BOOBY TRAPS
- Ready or Not: How to Decrease The Difficulty Of S Rank
- Ready or Not: Weapons Guide 2022