A guide for the quest given by Worzel Scrumpy. He lost his chickens and want you to find them.
Quest: Missing Chickens
If you want, you can interact with the townsfolk until someone tells you: “Lost chickens, you say? I heard some clucking when I was in the woods recently. Funny-sounding cuckoos I thought!”.
You can also just head to Cuckoo Wood, and get them without the hassle of prompting the message.
Location of the 3 chickens.
The specific location is marked on the map below.

Returning the chickens to Worzel
When you arrive at Tasty Acre, just lead the chickens to the coop, right next to the farmhouse. Shown on picture below:
When “close” to the coop the chickens will automatically unfollow you, and you can go to worzel and complete your quest.
Reward: 30 Brass, 19 FP.
Because your a master chicken herder, Worzel asks you to go check the noticeboard in Poppyhill, to continue your quest.
Missing chickens in Poppyhill
Find Rose Thorn, and ask her about her missing chickens.
Location of the 3 chickens from Poppyhill
I got the tip from Roger Readily, but you’ll properlybe able to get it from any named townfolk. It’s all about the roll, I guess.
Well, the meassage is: “Lost chickens, you say? I heard some clucking when I had a romantic walk recently.”
Just like last time, you dont have to prompt this message to find the chickens. Just head to Loverwood where they are hiding.
When in Loverwood head to the bottom right cornor of the map, there you’ll find another hidden alcove where the 3 chickens are hidning.
Exact location shown below:
Returning the chickens to Rose Thorn
When you arrive at Homesteads, just lead the chickens to the coop, right next to the farmhouse. Shown on picture below:
When “close” to the coop the chickens will automatically unfollow you, and you can go to Rose Thron and complete this part of the quest.
Reward: 40 Brass, 30 FP.
Now Rose Thorn is asking you to go check the noticeboard in Mellowbrooks, because they have problems with missing chickens too!