Papers, Please: All Endings Guide 2021

Here is a guide on how to get all endings in Paper Please game.


Endings Guide

The following is a complete list of possible endings to the story mode of Papers, Please. Aside from the 20 endings listed below, the game may also end in instant death.

The game keeps track of achieved endings through white dots in the day selection screen. Besides the white dots, nothing special happens when you achieve all the endings.

Endings 1 to 17 will play the death theme, while endings 18, 19 and 20 will play the victory theme. All endings are followed by the end credits.

Below are all possible endings that could be achieved with a description.

Ending 1 – Bankruptcy

How: The inspector runs into debt (has a negative balance at the end of the day). This ending can also occur in the latest beta version.

When: All days – 1 to 31


  • Arstotzka has zero tolerance for delinquency.
  • Your family will be sent back to their village.
  • You are under arrest until your debts are repaid.
  • A replacement inspector will be found easily.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 2 – Family Dies

How: The inspector’s entire family dies because the inspector fails to provide food, heat and/or medicine for his family.

When: Days 4–31


  • Your entire family is gone.
  • The Ministry Of Labor focuses on Arstotzka’s future growth.
  • Workers are expected to support large healthy families.
  • Your position will be filled with someone more appropriate.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 3 – Arrested for Associating with Suspicious Groups.

How: M. Vonel, an M.O.I investigator, visits the booth on day 12 asking for information about The Order of the EZIC Star. If the inspector gives him the EZIC documents received earlier, he is immediately arrested.

When: Day 12 only.

Corman Drex and an EZIC messenger give the EZIC documents to the inspector on days 8/9 and 10.
Triggering this ending unlocks the Too Honest achievement.


  • You are under arrest for associating with suspicious groups.
  • The Ministry of Information will perform a full audit of your recent activities.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 4 – Arrested for Accepting Bribery

How: A strange man brings 1000 credits at the end of the day on day 11. The inspector may take them or burn them. If the money is burned, the man brings 2000 credits on day 12. If either of these gifts is accepted (i.e. not burned) the neighbors will report the inspector and his savings will be confiscated on day 13 pending investigation. EZIC will then try to help the inspector by sending an agent to interfere with the investigation. If the agent is not allowed to enter on day 14, M. Vonel will arrest the inspector at the beginning of day 15.

When: Only on day 15, but the events leading to the ending start on day 11.


  • The Ministry of Income has discovered an anomaly in your earnings.
  • You are under arrest pending a full audit of your recent activities.
  • Your family will likewise be held for questioning.
  • The border will remain open under a replacement inspector.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 5 – Executed for Murder

How: Triggered if the inspector shoots a bystander (i.e. someone who is not a guard or an attacker) with a sniper rifle.

When: Possible from day 23 when the sniper rifle becomes available.

Similar to endings 6, 7 and 8.
Has the same text as ending 9 but without a note from EZIC under the cell door.


  • You are under arrest for the murder of an innocent.
  • The penalty is death.
  • Your family will be questioned about their involvement.
  • The border will remain open under a replacement inspector.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 6 – Arrested for Assault

How: Triggered if the inspector shoots a bystander (i.e. someone who is not a guard or an attacker) with a tranquilizer gun.

When: Possible from day 16 when the tranquilizer gun becomes available.

Related: Similar to endings 5, 7 and 8.


  • You are under arrest for attacking an innocent.
  • The penalty is forced labor.
  • Your family will be questioned about their involvement.
  • The border will remain open under a replacement inspector.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 7 – Executed for Murder of Arstotzkan Official

How: Triggered if the inspector shoots a guard with a sniper rifle.

When: Possible from day 23 when the sniper rifle becomes available.

Related: Similar to endings 5, 6 and 8.


  • You are under arrest for the murder of an Arstotzkan official.
  • The penalty is death.
  • Your family will be questioned about their involvement.
  • The border will remain open under a replacement inspector.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 8 – Executed for Assault on Arstotzkan Official

How: Triggered if the inspector shoots a guard with a tranquilizer gun.

When: Possible from day 16 when the tranquilizer gun becomes available.

Related: Similar to endings 5, 6 and 7.


  • You are under arrest for attacking an Arstotzkan official.
  • The penalty is death.
  • Your family will be questioned about their involvement.
  • The border will remain open under a replacement inspector.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 9 – Executed for Murder of “Man in Red”

How: The inspector shoots the man in red with a sniper rifle when EZIC creates a diversion.

When: Only on day 23.

Related: Has the same text as ending 5 but with a note from EZIC under the cell door.
Similar to ending 10.
Triggering this ending unlocks the Hired Rifle achievement.


  • You are under arrest for the murder of an innocent.
  • The penalty is death.
  • Your family will be questioned about their involvement.
  • The border will remain open under a replacement inspector.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.
  • [A note appears from under the cell door]


Ending 10 – Arrested for Assault on “Man in Red”

How: The inspector shoots the man in red with a tranquilizer gun when EZIC creates a diversion.

When: Only on day 23.

Related: Has the same text as ending 6 but with a note from EZIC under the cell door.
Similar to ending 9.


  • You are under arrest for attacking an innocent.
  • The penalty is forced labor.
  • Your family will be questioned about their involvement.
  • The border will remain open under a replacement inspector.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.
  • [A note appears from under the cell door]


Ending 11 – Arrested for Disobedience

How: The M.O.A. supervisor inspects the booth on days 10, 20 and 30. If he finds any unauthorized wall hangings (the family photo, the Arskickers Pennant, or Son’s Drawing), he will give the inspector a fine and a warning. If he finds any issues for a second time, this ending is triggered and the inspector is sentenced to hard labor.

When: Only on day 30. A warning may be given on day 20.

Related: It is always possible to take down any unauthorized wall hangings while the supervisor is walking towards the booth.


  • You are under arrest for violating direct orders.
  • The penalty is forced labor.
  • Your family will be sent back to their village.
  • The border will remain open under a replacement inspector.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 12 – Arrested for Theft

How: If the inspector detains Shae Piersovska on day 25, the M.O.A. supervisor will arrest the inspector the next morning.

When: The arrest takes place on day 26, but the decision to detain her (or to deny or allow her entry) is made on day 25.

The initial request to let her in happens at the beginning of day 20.
Denying Piersovska will make Dimitri mad the next day, but will not trigger this ending.


  • Your supervisor has reported you for theft of Arstotzkan property.
  • The penalty is forced labor.
  • Your family will be sent back to their village.
  • The border will remain open under a replacement inspector.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 13 – Arrested for Failure to Defend the Checkpoint

How: The inspector must have completed fewer than four EZIC tasks. During the attack on day 31, the inspector shoots the lower attacker and lets the other attacker blow up the wall. Next day, the inspector is arrested for failing to defend the border.

When: Only on day 31.

Letting the lower attacker live will lead to instant death, as the lower attacker will throw a grenade into the booth.
If four or all EZIC tasks have been completed, the attackers ignore the booth and shooting at them would trigger ending 15 instead.
It is possible to trigger ending 16 or 18 at the end of day 31 to avoid this ending.
The upper attacker can be shot after the wall has been destroyed.


  • The Grestin Border wall has been destroyed.
  • You are under arrest for failure to defend the checkpoint.
  • Your family will be sent back to their village.
  • The border will remain open under a replacement inspector.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 14 – Executed for Treason

How: The inspector must have completed at least four EZIC tasks. If this is the case, an EZIC messenger will arrive on day 31 and tell the inspector to hold his fire. If the inspector decides to shoot the attackers anyway and the wall remains intact, this ending is triggered the next morning.

When: Only on day 31.

It is possible to trigger ending 16 or 18 at the end of day 31 to avoid this ending.
Similar to ending 15, but now the wall remains intact.
Ending 17 has the same cutscene but without the EZIC note at the end.
If the EZIC messenger is not the second entrant on day 31, required EZIC tasks have not been completed and it is impossible to get this ending.


  • [M. Vonel] Hello inspector.
  • [M. Vonel] We have audited your recent activities.
  • [M. Vonel] Your involvement with a group calling themselves THE ORDER OF THE EZIC STAR has been uncovered.
  • [M. Vonel] Several members of this group have been arrested in Arstotzka.
  • [M. Vonel] At least one EZIC member has confessed to receiving your help.
  • [M. Vonel] This represents treason of the highest order.
  • [M. Vonel] Goodbye inspector.
  • The execution is scheduled for tonight.
  • Your family’s safety is unknown.
  • EZIC has been crushed. The balance of justice is restored.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.
  • [A note appears from under the cell door]

Ending 15 – Betraying the Revolution

How: The inspector must have completed at least four EZIC tasks given throughout the game. If this is the case, an EZIC messenger will arrive on day 31 and tell the inspector to hold his fire during the attack. If the inspector shoots at least one of the attackers (and no bystanders) but the wall is blown up, this ending triggers immediately. EZIC takes over and the inspector’s fate is unknown.

When: Only on day 31.

Similar to ending 14, but now the wall is destroyed.
Similar to ending 19, but with shooting involved.
If the EZIC messenger is not the second entrant on day 31, required EZIC tasks have not been completed and it is impossible to get this ending.
It is possible to trigger ending 16 or 18 at the end of day 31 to avoid this ending.


  • The border has been pierced.
  • It is a glorious day for THE ORDER OF THE EZIC STAR but you have betrayed us at the last moment.
  • EZIC grows strong while the corrupt and greedy weaken.
  • Your betrayal means you have chosen the wrong side.
  • There is no place for you or your family in this revolution.
  • Goodbye inspector.
  • Glory to the New Arstotzka.

Ending 16 – Escape to Obristan without all Family Members

How: The inspector escapes to Obristan on his own or with some (but not all) of his living family members. The fate of the family members who stay behind is unknown.

When: Possible at the end of days 29, 30 and 31 if the inspector has at least 25 credits available.

The same as ending 18, but does not require all living family members.
Only ending 18 unlocks the escape-related achievement, Snowier Pastures.

You leave behind everything. (if you escape alone) / You gather your [family member(s)] to leave for Obristan. (if there are family members) Your [rest of the family members] prepare to return to Nirsk.
You board the late train to the Northern Territories. It is nearly empty.
You pay for the hastily forged passport(s) and re-entry ticket(s). They look terrible.
You reach the border crossing at dawn. The line is immense.
Six hours later. (at the Obri border)
[Obri inspector] Your documents.
[Obri inspector] You are entering alone?
Yes. / No, my family as well.
[Obri inspector] Hand over all documents now. (appears only if there are family members)
I come to visit relatives. / We come to visit relatives.
[Obri inspector] I do not care why you come. Wait here. (the shutters close)
*KACHUNK* (the sound a stamp makes; repeated once for each family member; the shutters open after a short pause)
[Obri inspector] Welcome to Obristan. Next!
The safety of your [family member(s)] is unknown.

Ending 17 – Executed for Treason

How: The inspector must have completed one to three EZIC tasks given throughout the game. On day 31, the wall must remain intact (i.e. both EZIC attackers must be neutralized) and the inspector must not escape to Obristan afterwards. His connection with EZIC is then discovered in the information audit and he is put to death.

When: Only on day 31.

The same as ending 14 but without the EZIC note at the end of the cutscene.
It is possible to trigger ending 16 or 18 at the end of day 31 to avoid this ending.


  • [M. Vonel] Hello inspector.
  • [M. Vonel] We have audited your recent activities.
  • [M. Vonel] Your involvement with a group calling themselves THE ORDER OF THE EZIC STAR has been uncovered.
  • [M. Vonel] Several members of this group have been arrested in Arstotzka.
  • [M. Vonel] At least one EZIC member has confessed to receiving your help.
  • [M. Vonel] This represents treason of the highest order.
  • [M. Vonel] Goodbye inspector.
  • The execution is scheduled for tonight.
  • Your family’s safety is unknown.
  • EZIC has been crushed. The balance of justice is restored.
  • Glory to Arstotzka.

Ending 18 – Escape to Obristan with all Family Members

How: The inspector escapes to Obristan with all of his living family members. As a prerequisite, the inspector needs to (illegally) confiscate enough passports from Obri citizens. This ending does not require the entire family to be alive and can thus be achieved even if only one family member is alive and escapes with the inspector.

When: Possible at the end of days 29, 30 and 31 if the inspector has at least one Obristan passport and 25 credits per family member available. The maximum amount needed is six passports and 150 credits if the niece was adopted on day 21 and everyone else is still alive.

The same as ending 16, but now all living family members escape.
Triggering this ending unlocks the Snowier Pastures achievement.


  • You are gathering your [living family members] to leave for Obristan.
  • You board the late train to the Northern Territories. It is nearly empty.
  • You pay for the hastily forged passports and re-entry tickets. They look terrible.
  • You reach the border crossing at dawn. The line is immense.
  • Six hours later. (at the Obri border)
  • [Obri inspector] Your documents.
  • Here.
  • [Obri inspector] You are entering alone?
  • No, my family as well.
  • [Obri inspector] Hand over all documents now.
  • We come to visit relatives.
  • [Obri inspector] I do not care why you come. Wait here. (the shutters close)
  • *KACHUNK* (the sound a stamp makes; repeated once for each family member; the shutters open after a short pause)
  • [Obri inspector] Welcome to Obristan. Next!
  • Obristan Above All

Ending 19 – Support the Revolution

How: The inspector must have completed at least four out of five EZIC tasks given throughout the game. If this is the case, an EZIC messenger will arrive on day 31 and tell the inspector to hold his fire. EZIC attackers blow up the border wall and EZIC gains power. If he sleeps at the end of day 31, they make the inspector their agent and move his family to a better apartment.

When: Only on day 31.

Similar to endings 14 and 15, but now the inspector does not shoot anyone.
Triggering this ending unlocks the Member of the Order achievement.
If the EZIC messenger is not the second entrant on day 31, required EZIC tasks have not been completed and it is impossible to get this ending.


  • Inspector! It is a glorious day!
  • The border has been pierced.
  • EZIC grows strong while the corrupt and greedy weaken.
  • We are moving you and your family to a better home.
  • Your services as an inspector are no longer required. We need agents.
  • Follow us and and together we will complete the revolution!
  • Glory to the New Arstotzka.

Ending 20 – Inspector Approved by Ministry of Intelligence

How: The inspector must not have completed any EZIC tasks given during the game. On day 31, he must neutralize both EZIC attackers and must not escape to Obristan afterwards. In the next morning, his information audit shows only minor infractions and he is permitted to return to work. A deal with Kolechia is reached and the checkpoint will reopen on January 1st. This is the only ending that will unlock the code for endless mode (62131).

When: Only on day 31.

Related: Triggering this ending unlocks the Glory to Arstotzka achievement.


  • [M. Vonel] Hello inspector.
  • [M. Vonel] We have audited your activities for the past 20 years.
  • [M. Vonel] There are some anomalies.
  • [M. Vonel] But you have served Arstotzka well.
  • [M. Vonel] We will overlook these small transgressions.
  • [M. Vonel] You have been cleared of any suspicion.
  • [M. Vonel] Glory to Arstotzka.
  • [headline in The Truth of Arstotzka] A new agreement has been reached with Kolechia.
  • Grestin Border Checkpoint will reopen soon.
  • Return to your post on January 1st.

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