The Dungeon Beneath: General Guide and Tips

Here is a general guide and tips for you to play The Dungeon Beneath. enjoy this guide.


The Dungeon Beneath General Guide and Tips

There are 3 areas in the game and they are the same every time expect the bosses. Each area will have 13 rooms.

Stage one is the castle.

Room 1: This is just an introduction and possibly some money. This is determined by how well you did the last run. The better you do the better your next start will be.

Room 2: Empty Room

Room 3: Fight

Room 4: Campfire: here you will have 3 gold. Pick the best early unit and don’t worry too much about what team you are building. Some rules for Campfires is you can’t get the a champion that you already have, and if you buy a champion while at that campfire you can sell it back for full value.

Room 5: Fight: Fights will now provide 1 exp potion per fight, you will get 6 points in the first stage so you can make 2 level 2’s or make 1 level 3.

Room 6: Treasure Room: These rooms have a small pool of items that they will draw from based on what you have in your party. So to get a mage item you will need a mage, ect.

Room 7: Fight: During fights you will sometimes get bonus objectives, they are for the most part pretty easy but sometimes they can’t be done. Just try your best.

Room 8: This is the first split path: Left is Bathin, who will allow you to make the next fight harder but give you coins for it. Right is a Campfire. If your team is weak go ahead and grab this to upgrade your followers into champions. You will get another a choice between a merchant or a campfire later, so this is not your last chance for a campfire.

Bathin’s options tend to be more attack, more hp, more enemies, and random side effects. I tend to stay away from the one that gives shields because if you have to fight skeletons pile or eyes the extra armor is a big problem. I also stay away from extra attack because you are giving them boss double damage a lot.

Room 9: Fight

Room 10: Treasure Room

Room 11: Fight

Room 12: Split Path: Left, Campfire or Right, Merchant

Merchants work like Treasure Rooms: they can only roll things your team can equip. So no Lizardfolk means no Lizardfolk only items. The other thing is the items you can buy is tied loosely to how much gold you have. You can only see the best/expensive items if you have the money for it. I like to save a lot of money before the Merchant’s room and get the best items for my team by rolling a lot.

Room 13: Boss Room. These fights are going to be much harder and you get better rewards. The rewards are: Potion of Lesser Healing Potion (Restores 2 health), Potion of Greater Experience Point (Grants 2 exp), a sack of 8 gold, and a chest that will give you a choice of 3 artifacts.

The Underneath:

Room 1: Empty Room

Room 2: The Witch. At the start of this level and the abyss you will be greeted by The Witch to buy some potions.

Room 3: Fight, if you only have 1 character for your final build you will want to sell the exp potion.

Room 4: Campfire. I want will save a lot of money for this campfire because this is when I want my team to be pretty close to being done. I will try and get at least 3 of 4 final team members.

Room 5: Fight

Room 6: Split Room. Right is Andromalius and Left is Merchant

Androsmalius will all you to toss an item into the portal to get a new item. I believe they tend to be better than what you tossed in but untested.

Room 7: Fight

Room 8: Split Room. Left is Bathin and Right is Campfire. I will pretty much always do Bathin because I will be low on money and should have my team pretty much done.

Room 9: Fight

Room 10: Treasure Room

Room 11: Fight

Room 12: Split Room: Left is Merchant and Right is Campfire. I would avoid the Campfire because you are coming up to the Abyss and that campfire will have all level 3 units

Room 13: Boss Room. The rewards are Champion’s sword (+1 attack hero only), Potion of Greater Experience Point (Grants 2 exp), a sack of 8 gold, and a chest that will give you a choice of 3 artifacts.


Room 1: Empty Room

Room 2: The Witch.

Room 3: Fight

Room 4: Campfire. I will try to finish my team now. There will be more campfires but I want to save up after this one for getting the rest of my equipment.

Room 5: Fight

Room 6: Split room. Right is Andromalius and Left is Merchant.

Room 7: Fight

Room 8: Split Room. Left is Bathin and Right is Campfire. If you haven’t got your team here is another chance.

This Bathin is a little different. You will get some gold choices these are just harder and are worth 5 gold. If you have a great team this is fine, if not I wouldn’t try it. You don’t have to take a bargain if you don’t like the choices.

Room 9: Fight

Room 10: Treasure Room.

Room 11: Fight

Room 12: Split Room. Left is Merchant and Right is Campfire.

Room 13: Boss Room. The rewards are Greater Healing Potion (Heal 8 Hp), Potion of Greater Experience Point (Grants 2 exp), a sack of 8 gold, and a chest that will give you a choice of 3 artifacts.

The final stage is one more shop and then the final boss

Some tips for fighting Illifar: first, killing his gargoyles isn’t always the correct thing. I try to roll some of the weaker ones and let my tank just tank it without killing it. The reason for this is some of the gargoyles are more dangerous than others, so you will want to keep the safer ones around until the end. Also try to get him to about 50 hp and then kill the gargoyles to win the fight.

Some tips for fighting Abaddon: you will want some armor for your tank because he has an attack that will take the highest hp to 1. You’ll need to watch out for that. Also you want at least 4 damage on one of the side lanes to take out the mask that will prevent healing or armor (they have 8hp). Make sure to kill the adds as fast as you can because they make this fight a lot harder. You will also really only need 1 tank because the boss is always middle.

After the boss you want be prepared to mute the speaker because you will hear a loud bang, even if your speakers are at 0%. I have been told this was getting fixed in the next patch. When that happens I will delete this note.

You will get a score that will help you unlock more champions and the next time you play you will get a lot of gold and an item. Good luck out there, adventures.

By gohon316_1999

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