Everything you need to know about the “Doctor” career (Get to Work)
When a sim arrives at the hospital, they have a blue heart over their head. Once they have been diagnosed (by you or another sim), their heart will switch to red, indicating that they are ready to receive treatment.
Blue Heart, needs diagnosis
Red heart, needing some form of treatment
Sims will cough into their hand.
I’m not sure if this is an actual symptom but some sims with Starry Eyes appear cross-eyed.
Sims will have stars floating around their head and they will have to hold their head in their hand.
Dots (Rash)
Sims will have different sized spots across their face and body, these spots are mostly orange with small amounts of green.
Ear Steam
Steam will blow out of both sides of a sims’ ears.
Sims will wipe their foreheads and fan themselves with their hands while steam floats off their bodies.
Sims will scratch their stomach and legs. I’ve noticed that when they scratch themselves, they tend to think about bugs.
This is indicated with a pulsing red aura around the sims head, they will also touch their temple and look pained.
I can’t take a screenshot of this in time, but sims will sneeze into their elbow.
Stomach Ache
Sims will hold their stomach and look upset.
Stripes (Rash)
Sims will have stripes across their face and body.
Swatting the Air
Sims will swat at the air as if something is in front of them. This indicates Starry Eyes.
Swirls (Rash)
Sims will have swirls across their face and body.
Illness Diagnoses
Symptoms: Headache, Ear Steam
Treatment: Shot
Burnin’ Belly
Symptoms: Stomach Ache, Headache, Fever
Treatment: Surgery
Gas & Giggles
Symptoms: Stripes Rash, Stomach Ache, and the sim will laugh frequently
Treatment: Medicine
Itchy Plumbob
Symptoms: Stripes Rash, Itchy
Treatment: Surgery
Llama Flu
Symptoms: Dots Rash, Coughing, Sneezing, Fever
Treatment: Shot
Starry Eyes
Symptoms: Dizziness, Swatting at the Air, Swirls Rash, Cross-Eyed
Treatment: Medicine
Sweaty Shivers
Symptoms: Swirls Rash, Dots Rash, Fever, Itchy
Treatment: Shot
Triple Threat
Symptoms: Swirls Rash, Dots Rash, Stripes Rash, Dizziness, Sneezing, Coughing, Itchy
Treatment: Surgery
Career Levels
Pay: §144/day
Promotion Task: Attend an active work day at the doctor career venue 2x
Pay: §184/day
Unlocks: Scrubs (CAS), Doctor Xavier Ray’s Display, Not So Blind Eye Chart
Promotion Task: Treat 2 patients
Medical Assistant
Pay: §280/day
Unlocks: Option to use “Give Medical Advice” to sims (in the friendly catalog of dialogue), can use X-Ray machine at the hospital
Promotion Task: Treat 3 patients
Medical Technologist
Pay: §392/day
Unlocks: Hospital gown (CAS), Defeat the Darkness Surgical Light, can use the treadmills to examine patients at the hospital
Promotion Task: Successfully diagnose and treat a patient
Assistant Nurse
Pay: §680/day
Unlocks: Restless Thankless Medical Stool, option to “Check Hotness” of sims (in the romance catalog of dialogue), can use the surgery machines at the hospital
Promotion Task: Successfully diagnose and treat 2 patients
Pay: §950/day
Unlocks: Doctor of Medicine Diploma, can “Determine Baby Gender” on sims who are pregnant (in the friendly catalog of dialogue)
Promotion Task: Successfully diagnose and treat 3 patients
Doctor – General Practitioner
Pay: §1,350/day
Unlocks: Scrub cap and lab coat (CAS), Seat of Health
Promotion Task: Perform Surgery on 3 Patients
Medical Specialist
Pay: §1,950/day
Unlocks: The Diligent Doctor’s Desk, can deliver babies at the hospital, “Sickness Resistance” trait
Promotion Task: Deliver a baby
Pay: §2,450/day
Unlocks: Skelly Sim
Promotion Task: Successfully diagnose and treat 5 patients
Chief of Staff
Pay: §2,800/day
Unlocks: “General Hospital” styled room
Note: The pay information is based on if a sim attends work alone. A sim’s performance at work dictates their pay if you join the sim at work.
Career Unlockables

CAS Items
Scrub Top
Scrub Pants
Lab Coat
Hospital Gown
Scrub Cap
Unlockable Room
More Guides:
- The Sims™ 4: All Cheat Codes & How to Enable
- The Sims™ 4: Steam Deck Files Location (including DLC files)
- The Sims™ 4: Cheats Guide
- The Sims™ 4: Cow Plant Guide
- The Sims™ 4: Beginners’ Guide (Gameplay, Cheats, and Mods)