The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe: How to Escape From the Boss’s Elevator

Hello and welcome to this descriptive guide detailing how to escape from the boss’s elevator to the Mind Control Facility and the Escape ending.


How to Escape From the Boss’s Elevator

Hello and welcome to this descriptive guide detailing how to escape from the boss’s elevator to the Mind Control Facility and the Escape ending.

You can do this with the bucket and without.

1. Head to the boss’s office as you normally would.
2. During the elevator ride down to the Mind Control Facility hit the up button on the elevator as soon as possible. (This can be tricky if you have already gone down the elevator in your current play session, just turn around and hit the button ASAP)
3. This will then allow you to clip through the elevator door whenever you please. You can try to get an ending such as the Bottom Of The Mind Control Facility ending or the escape one but eventually the game will load you back into the boss’s office. You can also climb the pipes near the elevator or fall down the elevator shaft to the bottom of the map.

Thanks to iSoar for his excellent guide, all credits belong to his effort. if this guide helps you, please support and rate it via Steam Community. enjoy the game.

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