Occasionally, while exploring the trials you will find a very large gift-wrapped box. When you open it (by attacking) it will yield a “pack” of several Arcana and/or relics that share a theme. The best of these can define a build, creating numerous strong synergies. These are quite rare so I’m not sure of the extent of each pool, and I believe there some that are focused on leap and buff relics, but these are the ones I’m sure of:
This pack is focused on the movement arcana. It’s a decent pack, but I wouldn’t let it derail your build if it clashes with what you already have. Contents-
Three of the following Arcana:
Three relics:
Jumper Cables- Reduces the cooldowns of movement arcana by 25%
Soccer Cleats- Increases damage from movement arcana by 15%
Sturdy Shoebox- Increases max health by 4% for each movement arcana equipped.
This pack is focused on agents and to a lesser extent, summon arcana in general. It is very large and quite strong, but unavoidably has some weaknesses, similar to the summoner build I describe below. Contents-
Three or Four of the following arcana:
Three or Four of the following relics:
Vampire’s Cookbook- Heals you every time a summon kills an enemy
Archaic Cheat Sheet- Reduces the cooldown of all summon arcana by 15%
Grimoire of Ruin- Increases summon damage by 20%
Hardcover Textbook- Increases the limit on the number of summons active for each arcana to four
Pop-up Primer- Increases the number of summons created by summon arcana by one
Yuna’s Storybook– Doubles the duration of summon arcana
This pack is focused on charged arcana. It’s likely the weakest pack, since it comes with no relics and the shared theme is more of a shared weakness; the fact they need a substantial time commitment to be fully used. Contents-
It contains three of the following arcana:
This pack provides a number of relics to boost your signature. It’s a particularly great boon for signature-focused builds, but can also help most builds if you don’t have more useful relics filling your slots. I’ve only gotten it once so this list may not be complete. Contents-
It contains the following relics:
By juicetin17
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