This guide is to talk about how to mess with your friends with every object, from the music box to the ouija board
The music box
The first thing to do is spawn with your friends and get a flashlight and run to the house and look around.
if you find it do not give your friends a warning and start playing it, hope that one friend messes up and dies. now you can laugh at the dead body.
Voodoo Doll
the same thing as the music box, spawn and get to work looking at each bed and other places it can be, find it and start stabbing it. if it starts to hunt go into a closet instead of a locker (its more safe).
kill your friend that probably does the most work and get the ghost wrong!
Most of the time its in the basement , as soon as you see it take it to your friends and say “can we play hide and seek” and then hide.
lets hope that your friend didn’t hear it in time and sadly dies, laugh at them and then die in the next 10 seconds because of your sanity.
Black Mirror
Find it and then hold mouse button 2 and then hide, like with the ouija board hope that your friend die.
Spawn in and then check every table for the phone shaped cards, then use it until you get death, demon or witch. hang man works if you want to die your self.
kill your friend and then do it again and again until your run out of cards
summoning circle
A circle can be very good if you can manage to get your friend down stairs.
Kill your friend and maybe find some evidence about the ghost as well as a pic.
More Guides:
- Phasmophobia: CURSED POSESSIONES Guide
- Phasmophobia: 6 Tanglewood Drive Map Guide
- Phasmophobia: Cursed Possessions Guide
- Phasmophobia: Oujia Board Guide
- Phasmophobia: Oujia Board Guide 2022