Student Loans is one of the new achievements for Bloons TD 6. This is a guide on how to get it!
What to do!

For this achievement you have to get into -$400,000 with IMF Loan. Doing so requires a lot of IMFs and cash, so this guide is here to help!
Which Map Should I Choose?

Cubism is your best bet for this achievement, since it has a lot of space and it is the second longest map. Picking easy is recommended since the price of towers and upgrades are less, but isn’t required.
What Hero is best?

Benjamin is a great choice since he works well with banks, which will make it easier to generate cash!
Starting Off!
Now your in Cubism and it’s time to enter the worst nightmare of college students! Since easy is well, easy the early game should be starting with a well rounded defense to prevent defeat. Also, try to place Benjamin as soon as you can to truly benefit from him!
By round 15 or 16 you should have enough cash to buy a bank. After this, keep an eye out for when to collect your money stored in your banks and mange your defense when needed!

By round 15 or 16 you should have enough cash to buy a bank. After this, keep an eye out for when to collect your money stored in your banks and mange your defense when needed!
Everything Else!
Now’s the time that we get into the important stuff. As long as you defend well and generate a lot of cash, this next part shouldn’t be that bad. To get into $400,000 in debt you must have at least 35 IMF Loans to do so. (If needed use pontoons)! I also recommend that you buy a Energizer to speed up the IMF’s ability.
(Your setup should look similar to this)! Try to use towers that take up little space like Dart Monkeys or Boomerang Monkeys, so avoid Heli Pilots and Villages. When you buy your IMF Loans, activate the ability ASAP to not only gain debt, but to generate more cash for defense and more Loans. After you get 35 IMF Loans, activate all of the abilities and you will get into -$400,000 in debt!

(Your setup should look similar to this)! Try to use towers that take up little space like Dart Monkeys or Boomerang Monkeys, so avoid Heli Pilots and Villages. When you buy your IMF Loans, activate the ability ASAP to not only gain debt, but to generate more cash for defense and more Loans. After you get 35 IMF Loans, activate all of the abilities and you will get into -$400,000 in debt!
The Fruit of Your Labor!

If you get this achievement, you get 3 Cash Drops. It’s up to the reader to decide if it was worth it or not.
More Guides:
- Bloons TD 6: Every Difficulty and Game Mode
- Bloons TD 6: Cubism Full Guide
- Bloons TD 6: Engineer Monkey XP Farm Tutorial
- Bloons TD 6: Best Crosspath (Tier 5 Tower)
- Bloons TD 6: How to Unlock Every Paragon Easily