Snap these hidden landmarks to earn yourself a suit.
- A gold leprechaun on the upper right hand corner of a brick building
- A statue of a woman in a tree-filled square.
- The Auerbach movie theater sign.
- Caged tennis courts by the pier.
- A wire sculpture overlooking the bay.
- A flower mural on the outside of a coffee shop.
- The Statue of Liberty in the distance.
- A brass bulldog statue in a city square.
- Statue of a woman surrounded by flowers outside a clinic.
- First and Last Day movie billboard on a street corner.
- A big oval shaped pond in a square.
- The sign for Leo’s pizzeria.
- A decorative stone gate that leads onto the road bridge.
- Graffiti of a Rottweiler on a concrete floor.
- The Chinatown police precinct sign.
- A graffiti mural of the Rhino.
- A mural of J. Jonah Jameson as a baby.
- A pride flag on the side of a building by a fire escape.
- New York Modern Art gallery.
- A high-up clock face near the top of a skyscraper.
- A single tree in a circular courtyard.
- An ornate carp mural in an open city square.

- A statue of a man in a square by the south-west entrance to Central Park.
- A skull and crossbones pirate flag mural on the side of a building overlooking the water.
- The Nelson and Murdock Associates office sign.
- A Vulture graffiti mural overlooking a raised walkway.

- The written Oscorp on the floor by the entrance to the Oscorp Security building.
- One of two gazebos located in the park.
- A statue of two birds taking flight.
- A memorial tower with pillars around the outside.
- A New York Fire Department fire engine in an alley.

- An old bunker with a US flag waving above it.
- A small castle by the water.
- An engraved obelisk in a small open square.
- A small covered jetty with some boats floating around it.

- Public library with banners for Greek Myths: Ancient Tales of Heroes exhibition.
- A circular fountain surrounded by an eight-pointed star in an arcade below street level.
- The Black Wing Tavern sign.
- Latin American Museum on the north-eastern edge of Central Park.

- A pillared building with two eagle statues outside.
- A graffiti mural on a wall by the side of the road.
- A gravestone with a church-like spire.
- Uncle Ben’s grave.
- The front of the church near the graveyard.
- A graffiti mural of three Eyes of Providence on a rooftop.
- Pale Horse Ridez motorcycle shop in a back alley.
- The closed off Harlem Sanitarium.
- A statue in a square by the north-west entrance into Central Park.
- The Osborne for Mayor campaign office just off the main street.
- A greenhouse in a tucked away city garden.

By Mike
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