Here is a full tools guide in Medieval Dynasty.
Tools – NPC Worker Tools

– Currently, building distance does not matter.
However, you won’t see any animation if the NPC worker does not near their target.
It does not mean they won’t produce, an exception to Farmer.
– Currently, clothing for NPC workers. Not implement yet.
– When harvesting crops, Fields and Harvested Crops and Orchard do not get Tax.
– Worker skill level + Tool = Faster produce.
– Mood affecting NPC workers highest skills for their profession (job).
– The higher NPC worker skill, the faster they will consume tools durability in order to push more production of produce.
In other words. To increase the productivity of a product. Since they are more proficient in using their tools.
* Worker skill can level up when they keep using it for the same job for years to come until it reaches max skill at 10 per skill.
* If you build more than one building resource.
For example:
2 Woodshed or 2 Barn, their working status produced adds up, but not their storage weight.
2 Resource Storage, their weight adds up.
2 Food Storage, their weight adds up.
* Some of the below methods requires you to manually assign a worker.
– Store tools require to make NPC worker do their job.
Store it in the Resource Storage chest, or Food Storage chest, or in their own individual building chest, including Farm Animal Houses.
Depending on what kind and type.
– Tools can break, so need replacing.
Check the tool’s durability under each tool.
– Tools attach to each building, not to the NPC worker.
If the NPC worker took a tool, then the building is destroyed.
The NPC worker will need a new tool again.
– NPC workers use tools from the lowest type and durability first.
For example:
Stone Axe first then Iron Axe.
Stone Axe (80/100 durability) -> Stone Axe (100/100 durability) -> Iron Axe (500/500 durability).
– Per Building only use 1 type of Tools, regardless of how many NPC workers in one building.
It will then disappear from the Resource Storage chest once the NPC worker has taken them.
This applies to the “IMPORTANT” note mention above.
Market Stall:
Store Keeper
– Don’t need a tool.
– Stone Axe (100), or Copper Axe (200), or Bronze Axe (450), or Iron Axe (500).
** Axe for Log, Firewood, and Plank.
** Stick doesn’t need a tool.
Excavation Shed:
– Stone Pickaxe (50), or Bronze Pickaxe (500), or Iron Pickaxe (600).
– Wooden Shovel (100), or Copper Shovel (200), or Bronze Shovel (450), or Iron Shovel (500).
** Pickaxe for Limestone.
** Shovel for Clay.
** Stone doesn’t need a tool.
– Stone Pickaxe (50), or Bronze Pickaxe (500), or Iron Pickaxe (600).
** Pickaxe for Stone, Salt, Copper Ore, Tin Ore, and Iron Ore.
Barn Worker
– Store Rot, Seed and Grain in the Food Storage chest or in the Barn Storage chest.
– Store Manure, Flax and Flax Stalk in the Resource Storage chest.
Barn Storage chest gets priority over Resource and Food Storage chest.
– Wooden Hoe (50), or Stone Hoe (150), or Copper Hoe (250), or Bronze Hoe (550), or Iron Hoe (600)
– Simple Bag (30), or Bag (100).
– Stone Sickle (100), or Copper Sickle (200), or Bronze Sickle (450), or Iron Sickle (500).
– Bronze Sythe (600), or Iron Sythe (700).
** You can use either Sickle or Sythe or both, they both do a similar job.
– Currently, farm animals won’t die of hunger, only no Animal Feed, they won’t produce anything.
– Purchase Animal Feed Schemes from Technology->Farming->Henhouse.
– Store Animal Feed in the Farm Animal Sack/Barrel/Stable chest for horses and/or in the Resource Storage chest.
You need to assign an Animal Breeder to automate the distribution of the Animal Feed unless you refill it yourself manually.
– If you destroyed a farm animal house. Their food in Trough and Feeding Rack will not be returned.
You can only take it from their Sack and Barrel.
Animal Breeder
– Don’t need a tool to produce eggs and feathers.
Animal Breeder
– Don’t need a tool to produce manure.
Goose House:
Animal Breeder
– Don’t need a tool to produce eggs and feathers.
Animal Breeder
– Purchase Bucket Schemes from Technology->Production->Workshop I.
– Purchase Bronze Shearing Scissors Schemes from Technology->Production->Smithy II.
– Purchase Iron Shearing Scissors Schemes from Technology->Production->Smithy III.
– Bronze Shearing Scissors (200), or Iron Shearing Scissors (300). (store in the Sack and/or Resource Storage chest).
– Bucket (store in the Sack and/or Resource Storage chest).
** Scissor for a shearing ram, and sheep.
** Bucket for milking a female goat.
Animal Breeder
– Purchase Bucket Schemes from Technology->Production->Workshop I.
– Bucket (store in the Barrel and/or Resource Storage chest).
** Bucket for milking a cow.
Animal Breeder
– Horse does not need a tool to produce anything.
– Do not need Animal Feed to produce, and won’t die of hunger.
– Don’t need a tool.
– Bees come with the building.
– Only NPC workers can produce Honeycomb, or you can buy from the Innkeeper vendor.
Hunting Lodge:
– Stone Knife (50), or Copper Knife (150), or Bronze Knife (450), or Iron Knife (500).
** Knife for skinning dead animal.
** Feather doesn’t need Tool.
– Don’t need a tool.
Fishing Hut
– Fishing Spear (20).
– Stone Knife (50), or Copper Knife (150), or Bronze Knife (300), or Iron Knife (500).
** Fishing Spear for hunting a fish.
** Knife for filleting a fish (converting fish into fish meat).
– Purchase Workshop blueprint (Schemes) from Technology->Production->Workshop.
– Purchase Smithy blueprint (Schemes) from Technology->Production->Smithy.
– Wooden Hammer (150), or Copper Hammer (250), or Bronze Hammer (500), or Iron Hammer (600).
** Hammer for making Stone and Iron items.
– Purchase Sewing blueprint (Schemes) from Technology->Production->Sewing.
– Purchase Food Recipe (Schemes) from Technology->Production->Tavern.
– Purchase Flour Schemes from Technology->Farming->Barn I.
– Store food ingredients in the Food Storage chest.
– Store tableware such as plates and bowls in the Resource Storage chest.
– Store tableware and food ingredients in the Tavern Storage chest.
Tavern Storage chest gets priority over Resource and Food Storage chest when cooking.
Tools – Q&A
– Workshop – Tier 1, no Pottery Wheel.
– Tavern – Tier 1 and 2, no Brewing Station, no Juice Press, no Wine Barrel.
– Hunting Lodge – Tier 1 and Fishing Hut – Tier 1, no Drying Rack.
– If the product is material. For example Log, Stick, Stone, or food ingredient that was mine by a miner. For example Salt. It will not disappear.
– The tool Durability will not be consumed, and the progress bar will still be full until there is enough space in one of the available chests can be fill.
– If the produced is food and it was planted in a field, then it will disappear during a season change.
For example:
Vegetables: Beetroot, Carrot, Cabbage, Onion.
Fruits: Apple, Cherry, Pear, Plum.
Except for Crops: Flax, Oat, Rye, Poppy, Wheat, Hop.
– They will still be fertilized even after the season changed.
– Orchard field doesn’t need to be fertilized.
Simply just plough it, then plant it with a seedling.
More Guides:
- Medieval Dynasty: Skills Guide
- Medieval Dynasty: Horses Guide
- Medieval Dynasty Cheat (Save File Edit)
- Medieval Dynasty: Mine Inside Map
- Medieval Dynasty: How to Transfer Saves Pass to Steam