All the KFC restaurant locations in Erangel with the PUBG x KFC collaboration update.
KFC restaurant branches in PUBG
There are 10 KFC restaurant locations in Erangel.
What’s inside the PUBG KFC restaurant?
Gas stations in PUBG were temporarily changed to KFC branches in Erangel.
You’ll see a Colonel Sanders statue right outside the KFC restaurant.
Say hello to all the readers of this guide, Colonel Sanders!
Aside from the typical loot, you’ll see these lying around.
KFC Chicken Bucket
KFC Chicken Combo
KFC order kiosk
Upon entering the KFC, you can see an order kiosk near the counter.
Approach it and press F.

The first person to order from the KFC kiosk will have their name displayed on this ticker.
Approach it and press F.

The first person to order from the KFC kiosk will have their name displayed on this ticker.

More Guides:
- PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS – New Erangel Secret Rooms
- PUBG BATTLEGROUNDS: Deston Secret Room Locations
- PUBG BATTLEGROUNDS: All the Secret Rooms on the Maps
- PUBG BATTLEGROUNDS: Secret Rooms and Camps in New Vikendi Map