How to summon all bosses in Terraria! 🙂
Feel free to look in the Guide Index to see which one who you are looking to summon! 🙂
- King Slime
- Eye of Cthulhu
- Eater of Worlds
- Brain of Cthulhu
- Queen Bee
- Skeletron
- Deerclops
- Wall of Flesh
Hardmode bosses
- Queen Slime
- The Twins
- The Destroyer
- Skeletron Prime
- Plantera
- Golem
- Duke Fishron
- Empress of Light
- Lunatic Cultist
- Moon Lord
Event bosses (Included in the Special Events)
- Dark Mage (Mini-Boss)
- Ogre (Mini-Boss)
- Betsy
- Flying Dutchman
- Mourning Wood (Mini-Boss)
- Pumpking
- Everscream (Mini-Boss)
- Santa-NK1 (Mini-Boss)
- Ice Queen
- Martian Saucer
- Solar Pillar
- Nebula Pillar
- Vortex Pillar
- Stardust Pillar

(This is what King Slime looks like.)
How to Summon:
- If 150 slimes are killed by players, lava, traps, and/or summoned minions during the Slime Rain event, King Slime will spawn.
- He can also be summoned with a Slime Crown.
(These are the recipes for the slime crown!)

(This is what the eye looks like; left image is stage 1, right is stage 2).
How to Summon:
- The Eye of Cthulhu can appear if the player advances enough and hasn’t fought it yet.
- It can also be summoned with a Suspicious Looking Eye.
(This is the recipe for the eye!)

(This is what the Eater of Worlds looks like.)
How to Summon:
- If the player destroys 3 shadow orbs the Eater of Worlds will be summoned.
- It can also be summoned with Worm Food.
(This is the recipe for worm food!)

(This is what the Brain of Cthulhu looks like; left is stage 1 and right is stage 2).
How to Summon:
- If the player destroys 3 crimson hearts the Brain will be summoned.
- It can also be summoned with a Bloody Spine.
(This is the recipe for the Bloody Spine!)

(This is what the Queen Bee looks like.)
How to Summon:
- A player can break a Larva inside of a Bee Hive to summon Queen Bee.
- She can also be summoned with an Abeemination.
(These are the recipes for an Abeemination!)

(This is what Skeletron looks like; also known as the Dungeon Guardian.)
How to Summon:
- He can be summoned only when the player talks to the Old man standing in the entrance of the Dungeon at night. (Talk to him and hit the curse button).
- He can also be summoned with the Clothier Voodoo Doll if it is thrown into lava after 7:30 PM while the Clothier is still alive.
- The Clothier Voodoo Doll cannot be crafted, however it can be obtained.
(These are the mobs it can come from, it also has a chance to spawn in chests!)

(This is what Deerclops looks like; based off of Don’t Starve.)
How to Summon:
- Deerclops can appear in the Snow biome at midnight during a blizzard.
- It can also be summoned with a Deer Thing in the Snow biome.
(These are the recipes for Deer Thing!)

(This is what the Wall of Flesh looks like.)
How to Summon:
- The Wall of Flesh can be summoned by letting the Guide die in any way by lava.
- It can also be summoned when a player drops a Guide Voodoo Doll into lava in the Underworld while the guide is still alive.
- The Guide Voodoo Doll is not craftable. However, it can be obtained.
(Voodoo Demons can be found in the Underworld in larger buildings.)

(This is what Queen Slime looks like; left image is stage 1, right is stage 2).
How to Summon:
- She can be summoned by the player by using a Gelatin Crystal in the Hallow biome.
- The Gelatin Crystal can be found by digging in underground Hallow (can be found in Pearlstone blocks, Pink ice blocks, and Pearlsand).
(This is what the Gelatin Crystal looks like!)

(This is what the Twins look like; stage 1 and stage 2).
How to Summon:
- The Twins have a 1/10 (10%) chance to spawn naturally at dusk once a Demon or Crimson Altar has been destroyed, as long as they have not yet been defeated at least once in the current world. (A message will pop up saying “This is going to be a terrible night…”)
- They can also be summoned with a Mechanical Eye.
(This is the recipe for the Mechanical Eye!)

(This is what The Destroyer looks like.)
How to Summon:
- The Destroyer has a 1/10 (10%) chance to spawn naturally at dusk once a Demon or Crimson Altar has been destroyed, as long as it has not yet been defeated at least once in the current world. (A message will pop up saying “You feel vibrations from deep below…”).
- It can also be summoned with a Mechanical Worm.
(These are the recipes for the Mechanical Worm!)

(This is what Skeletron Prime looks like.)
How to Summon:
- Skeletron Prime has a 1/10 (10%) chance to spawn naturally at dusk once a Demon or Crimson Altar has been destroyed, as long as it has not yet been defeated at least once in the current world. (A message will pop up saying “The air is getting colder around you…”).
- He can also be summoned with a Mechanical Skull.
(This is the recipe for the Mechanical Skull!)

(This is what Plantera looks like, left is stage 1 and right is stage 2).
How to Summon:
- Plantera can be fought after all 3 mechanical bosses have been fought (The Twins, The Destroyer & Skeletron Prime).
- Plantera is summoned when a player breaks a Plantera Bulb in the underground Jungle biome.
- A Plantera Bulb can be broken with a pickaxe, drill, block or a Clentaminator using any but the green solution.
(This is what the Plantera Bulb will look like!)

(This is what Golem looks like.)
How to Summon:
- Golem is summoned by using the Open / Activate key on the Lihzahrd Altar, located in the final Jungle Temple chamber, while at least one Lihzahrd Power Cell is in the player’s inventory.
- A Lihzahrd Power Cell is not craftable, however it is obtainable.
(These mobs spawn in the Temple!)

(This is what Duke Fishron looks like; left is stage 1 and right is stage 2).
How to Summon:
- Duke Fishron is summoned by fishing in the Ocean using a Truffle Worm as bait.
- Truffle Worm is a critter that must be caught with a Bug Net in an underground Glowing Mushroom biome.
- Players then take the Truffle Worm and use it as bait while fishing in the Ocean to summon him.

(This is what the Empress looks like; left is stage 1 and right is stage 2).
How to Summon:
- The Empress of Light is a post-Plantera boss and can be summoned by killing a Prismatic Lacewing after 7:30 PM-12:00 AM in the Hallow biome (can be another biome, however it disappears very quickly when not in Hallow).
- The Prismatic Lacewing can be caught in a Bug Net.
- The Empress of Light can also be summoned if the Prismatic Lacewing is killed by a fallen star.
(This is what a Prismatic Lacewing looks like!)

(This is what the Lunatic Cultist looks like.)
How to Summon:
- The Lunatic Cultist can be summoned by killing the Cultists that spawn at the Dungeon’s entrance after Golem is defeated.
(This is what a Lunatic Devote looks like! There are also archers.)

(This is what the Moon Lord looks like. (Also known as the Impending Doom). It is much larger in game.)
How to Summon:
- The Moon Lord can be summoned by destroyed all 4Â Celestial Pillars.
- He can also be summoned with a Celestial Sigil in a world where Golem is already defeated.
- A message will pop up saying “Impending doom approaches…”

(This is what the Celestial Pillars look like; top left to bottom right is Solar, Vortex, Nebula & Stardust).
How to Summon:
- The Pillars appear after the Lunatic cultist has been defeated.

(This is what Betsy looks like. She is the final boss of the Old One’s Army).
How to Summon:
- The player must have built enough houses to have the Tavernkeep move in.
- The Tavernkeep sells an Eternia Crystal and an Eternia Crystal Stand.
- The player must place down the Eternia Crystal Stand, and right click with the Eternia Crystal, which summons the Old One’s Army!

(This is what the Flying Dutchman looks like. It is the final boss in the Pirate Invasion event).
How to Summon:
- A Pirate Invasion can occur randomly after certain conditions are met.
- It can also be summoned with a Pirate Map.
- A Pirate Map has a 1% (1/100) chance of dropping from any enemy killed by the player within or close to an Ocean during Hardmode.
- A message will pop up saying “The pirates have arrived!”

(This is what the Martian Saucer looks like. It is the final boss in the Martian Madness event).
How to Summon:
- It can only be triggered after Golem has been defeated.
- Martian Madness is triggered by a Martian Probe, which spawns randomly in the two outer lateral thirds of the map (with a higher spawn chance in the Space layer). When this small flying enemy detects a player or is attacked, it immediately attempts to fly away. If the Probe escapes, the event starts.
- A message will pop up saying “Martians are invading!”

(This is what Mothron looks like.)
How to Summon:
- A Solar Eclipse event can happen rarely after a mechanical boss has been defeated.
- It has a 1/20 (5%) chance of occurring upon any particular dawn.
- A Solar Eclipse can be summoned using a Solar Tablet.
- A message will pop up saying “A solar eclipse is happening!”
(This is the recipe for the Solar Tablet!)

(This is what Pumpking looks like. He is the final boss in the Pumpkin Moon event).
Other Mini-Bosses Included:
- Mourning Wood
How to Summon:
- The Pumpkin Moon can be summoned at any time at night, ending at dawn (4:30 AM).
- It can be summoned any time of year and does not require the actual Halloween season.
- The Pumpkin Moon is summoned with a Pumpkin Medallion.
- A message will pop up saying “The Pumpkin Moon is rising…”
(This is the recipe for the Pumpkin Medallion!)

(This is the Ice Queen. She is the final boss in the Frost Moon event).
Other Mini-Bosses Included:
- Santa NK1
- Everscream
How to Summon:
- The Frost Moon can be summoned at any time at night, ending at dawn (4:30 AM).
- It can be summoned at any time of the year and does not require the actual Christmas season.
- The Frost Moon is summoned with a Naughty Present.
- A message will pop up saying “The Frost Moon is rising…”
(This is the recipe for the Naughty Present!)
More Guides:
- Terraria: How to Summon All Bosses
- Terraria: How to Get Bone Key EASY (1.3.5)
- Terraria: Easy ways to Beat Mech Bosses in Master mode
- Terraria: Zenith Guide 2021
- Terraria: King Slime Boss Fight Guide