In this guide I want to share my experience as a horse breeder in Medieval Dynasty. If you ever wondered what the coat colors are, you can see pictures of them here.
Acquiring Horses
Horses are quite expensive. Here you see the prices depending on the level of barter skill you have.
If you have bought (or killed) horses in Hornica, there will be new ones after the season change. If you didn’t buy any horses, the horses stay the same for a few seasons, just aging. If you want to buy a specific coat color, it might be time for some drastic measures. But be careful, killing a foal loses you 40 dynasty reputation and killing an adult horse 70. Sometimes the horses run away, after you have injured or killed one.
Breeding Horses
The foal is called colt (male) or filly (female). At 1.5 years old, the foal becomes an adult. Life expectancy for a horse is 31.25 years. You can custom name your horses under the management tab by pressing H. You don’t need an animal breeder for the horses to have foals at the moment.
Coat colors
Spotted Black
Spotted Bay
As you can see, Bay and Chestnut horses are very similar. The only difference is the mane and tail being black or blond respectively. In foals, the mane in both variants is black. So the only way of recognizing Chestnut color in a foal is the blond tail.
Caring for Horses

You can assign an animal breeder to the stable like to other farm animals. They will automatically fill the feeding rack with animal feed. Or you can fill it yourself if you want. Unlike with other farm animals, there is no drawback to not having an animal breeder or animal feed for them, since they do not produce anything. Some reasons for caring for them anyway are the realism, the avoidance of the “no animal feed” warning icon in the upper left corner, and the skill gain and mood gain for the breeder.
Buying Prices
Of course, you can also craft these items yourself. The saddle and saddlebags are crafted at the Tailoring Table in the Sewing Hut. The Iron Horseshoes are made at the Anvil in the Smithy.
2 Tin Bar
2 Wool Thread
2 Linen Fabric
3 Tin Bar
2 Linen Thread
2 Wool Fabric
1 Linen Fabric
1 Tin Bar
2 Linen Thread
2 Linen Fabric
1 Tin Bar
2 Linen Thread
There is also a chance of finding the items at abandoned camps or bandit camps. You could also be given Iron Horseshoes as a quest reward for the “Iron Shortage” side quest by the smith.
If you want one of your beautiful horses to be your mount, it needs a saddle. While having a saddle in your inventory, saddle up your horse by holding E. You can put saddles on all adult horses you own, but only one horse can be your mount. As soon as a horse has a saddle, you can ride it. The last horse you rode on is your mount.
Iron Horseshoes
The mount can also be equipped with iron horseshoes. You need only one, I guess they are already in a package of four. The horseshoes make the horse lose less stamina while galloping.
Every adult horse has an inventory with a carry weight of 20kg. The saddlebag gives it a bigger inventory by 15kg, 30kg or 45kg.
But your mount has a second way to access its inventory. You have to stand near your mount (about 15 meters or closer) and go to your own inventory. To change to your mount’s inventory, you have to press H while in your inventory. Once there, you can equip and unequip the saddle, saddlebag and horseshoes with F. Your mount can drop items with X, if you are close enough. It is also possible to transfer items between the two inventories by holding X.
Special Skills
Village Whistleblower
Tier 2. Whistling summons your mount.
This skill is very useful. It lets you whistle for your mount by pressing G. The horse will run to you from wherever it is on the map as long as it is not overburdened.
Skilled Rider
Tier 3. Slower mount’s stamina consumption.
There are three levels, 10%, 25% and 50%. Your mount will be able to gallop for longer.
Carrot and Stick
Tier 4. Increase in mount’s carry weight.
This skill increases the amount of weight your mount is able to carry by 10kg, 20kg and 30kg. You can make it carry even more by having a saddle bag.
Night Rider
Tier 4. Faster riding.
If you have this skill, your mount will be able to gallop 10%, 20% or 30% faster.
Riding and Health
The horse can get stuck in buildings or between trees. Sometimes it is impossible to dismount because there is no space. I recommend using “Unstuck” in these cases.
The horse can also take fall damage or damage from predators. As long as it has health left it will slowly heal itself. If the health bar is empty, it dies. If you hover over your dead mount, you see the option to empty the saddlebag. After taking the saddle and other equipment from your dead mount, you have the option to skin it. Skinning it gives leather and meat.
If a horse dies of old age at the season change, any equipment or inventory it had will be found in the stable chest.
If you try summoning your mount with G after it died, you get the message “Your horse is dead”. If you have no mount you see “You don’t have a mount”.
Selling Horses
To sell a horse, you hold X while the horse is selected in the animal management tab .
Steam Achievements

There is a steam achievement for getting your first mount. This can be a donkey or a horse.
A second achievement where a mount is helpful is the hedgehog achievement. It is quite difficult to impale a wild animal four times. The horse on the other hand can be summoned and made to stand in one spot while you try again and again to stab it with a wooden spear. If you have the stomach for it…
My dead mount
Of course, horses are wonderful animals and are useful in almost any of the other quests to help you move around the map or carry weight.
More Guides:
- Medieval Dynasty: Tools Guide
- Medieval Dynasty: Skills Guide
- Medieval Dynasty Cheat (Save File Edit)
- Medieval Dynasty: Mine Inside Map
- Medieval Dynasty: Map Guide
There are actually two more colors, not sure if they’ve been added since you made your post. There is a Chestnut where the mane is brown, not black or light like the ones in your pictures, and an appaloosa with the same brown mane. I have not come across the chestnut with the light mane (yet) but hope to soon!