Palworld: ALT DodgeRoll + Custom Keybind

DodgeRoll with Alt Key


1. Introduction

This Guide does only work for “Razer Keyboards” and you need the “Racer Synapse App”.
You can Download the Software here:

I use an Razer Keyboard so i can not help if you dont have one. But im very sure that other Brands have similar ways to customize keybinding with an App or Makro.

In this Guide i show you how to use “ALT” as DodgeRoll-Button.
“STRG” can be bind to whatever you want (I use it for Crouching/Slide/RideSkill).

2. Instructions

1. Open Razer Synapse and go to “Keyboard Settings”.

2. Klick the “ALT”-Button on the Keyboard.

3. Go to “Keyboard Function”,
select “Key Recording” on the drop-down list
and bind the Key to “0”.

4. Ingame you have to bind “DodgeRoll” to “0”.

5. Now you can DodgeRoll with ALT
and STRG is not in use and you can remap this button or just do not use it.

Btw “0” is a Number.

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