A guide to the Mechanic class, including talent explanations and recommended order for leveling up.
The Fledgling Handyman
A Note About Item Quality
It is very easy to upgrade an item to a better quality. Regardless of quality, items will deconstruct into the same material and take the same material to fabricate. Just deconstruct whatever your current tool is, take the output and set it into the fabricator, then make the same item again. Bam, it’s now the quality of whatever your skill level allows. When you hit a new quality threshold, take it upon yourself to run around the sub and upgrade whatever you can, putting the upgraded tools back where you found them when finished. It’ll be a pleasant surprise for the crew and the better their tools are, the more efficient they are.
Machinist Tree

Tinkerer (T1): You can use a wrench to tinker with devices. You can tinker with a pump, increasing its pumping rate by 400%. You can tinker with an engine, increasing its torque by 150%. You can tinker with a loader, increasing the connected turret’s firing rate and damage by 20%, while lowering its power usage by 20%. The device is only affected for as long as you keep tinkering with it. You can tinker for 10 seconds. After you have tinkered with a device, you cannot tinker for 25 seconds.

Quickfix (T2): Learn how to make Repair Packs. Whenever you fully repair a device, gain 40 experience. This effect can only occur up to 8 times until you finish another mission.

Mass Production (T2): You can tinker with a fabricator or a deconstructor, increasing their operating rate by 250%. You can tinker with fabricators and deconstructors indefinitely. Gain 75% more skill from fabricating items.

Hull Sealer (T3): Learn how to make Fixfoam grenades. You can tinker for an additional 5 seconds.

Overclocking (T3): Tinkering with items damages them, but the effects of tinkering are increased by 50%. The cooldown period of tinkering is reduced to 12.5 seconds.

Let It Drain (T4): Learn how to make Portable Pumps. You can only install a maximum of 2 of this item on your submarine. Non-turret devices you tinker with will always function as if they had power.
Technician Tree

Safety First (T1): Learn how to make the Safety Harness. Whenever you gain Mechanical Engineering skill, also gain Electrical Engineering skill. As long as your Mechanical Engineering skill is 100 or higher, they gain twice as much Electrical Engineering skill.

Aggressive Engineering (T1): When you attack with a wrench, you have a 30% chance to attack with 200% additional power and inflict an additional stun. You can repair mechanical devices 20% past their normal maximum condition.

Hull Fixer (T2): Learn how to make the Handheld Status Monitor. Welding tools and plasma cutters you fabricate are 1 higher quality. Repair hulls 25% faster with welding tools.

Crisis Management (T3): The more filled with water your submarine is, the faster you repair devices and swim, up to an additional 75% repair speed and 75% swimming speed.

Pyromaniac (T3): When you inflict burning damage on an enemy, gain 40% physical damage resistance for 5 seconds. Inflict 25% more burning damage..

Artisan Smith (T4): Learn how to make Dementonite wrenches, crowbars, screwdrivers, and diving knives. Tools you fabricate are 1 higher quality. Gain a bonus of 30 to Mechanical Engineering.
Pioneer Tree

Scrounger (T1): Whenever you open a container in a wreck for the first time, you have a 40% chance of finding an additional scrap. When you deconstruct scrap, gain 50 experience. Force doors open 50% faster.

Miner (T2): Whenever you deconstruct an ore, you have a 50% chance to gain double the output. Deal 100% more damage to structures with cutters. Detach ores 100% faster with cutters.

Demolitions Expert (T2): Gain a bonus of 25 to Weapons. Explosives you fabricate are of 1 higher quality.

Canned Heat (T3): Fuel and oxygen tanks you fabricate are of 1 higher quality. Whenever you play an accordion, the ally nearest to you will gain 15 experience every second. When they do, you gain 10 experience. This effect can only occur up to 20 times until you finish another mission.

Elbow Grease (T3): Gain an additional percentage to Melee Power and Maximum Health equal to 40% of your Mechanical skill. Whenever you deconstruct scrap, gain a bonus of 3 to Mechanical. This talent can only give up to 100 skill bonus. This bonus is lost on death.

Scrap Savant (T4): You can refine 3 scrap to any alien material. Gain 150 experience when you fabricate an alien material. Whenever you open a container in a wreck for the first time, you have a 80% chance of finding an additional scrap.
Recommended Skill Order
Overall, I recommend putting most skill points into the Machinist tree first to improve your deconstructor output (you’ll end up with a LOT of crap to deconstruct) as well as your Tinkering ability, but don’t get Let It Drain early since it has limited usefulness. Switch to the Technician tree if you’re playing defensively/passively, and the Pioneer tree if you prefer to go on expeditions or security needs some help dealing with threats to the sub.
You typically won’t need the masterwork/item quality boosts too early, since you’ll need maximum skill level to really get the most out of them and the early biomes aren’t super dangerous.
The Payoff
-You can boost the effectiveness of pumps, weapons, and the engine to incredible levels while being able to repair them quickly if they’re damaged by your tinkering or enemies.
-Create masterwork tools to help you and your kids take care of the submarine better, letting anyone repair things faster. You’re the only class that can reach the masterwork level of quality for a lot of items!
-Make some of the deadliest explosives possible, ruining the day of any sealife that crosses your sub or security officer once you’ve outfitted them with masterwork explosives.
-Become able to create rare alien materials that are used in higher level recipes for both you and the crew, all from random scrap you found in a wreck. If you were always fascinated by Tony Stark making his first Iron Man suit in a cave with a box of random crap, here’s your chance to replicate his success.
-Use the Handheld Status Monitor to see how the sub is doing via no matter where you are, making you the first responder for most breaches and earning the respect of the crew for keeping things in an immaculate state of repair.
When someone needs equipment, they come to you. When there’s extensive damage to the sub, you’re the one the crew calls out for. You’ll definitely be kept busy, but hey – you’ll be responsible for helping your kids succeed and watching them grow, and what more could a proud parent want?
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