A list of helmets and Armor types you could theoretically use to recreate the Giant Dad look.
Helmets Intro.
I know there are more face like helms, especially of the Glintstone kind, but they are either too detrimental to the player’s stats or just don’t quite fit the Giant Dad aesthetic.
Karolos Glintstone Crown.

Can be found at Raya Lucaria Academy, Looted off a Crystallized Crab located at the west side corner of the academy’s courtyard. Closest Site of Grace: Debate Parlor.
- Increases INT by 3.
- Looks the most like the Giant Dad helm. (Mask of the Father)
Decreases your Stamina when equipped. (I believe it decreases it by 5 or 10%)
Hierodas Glintstone Crown.

- Hermit Village in Mt. Gelmir: Found on a corpse behind a house on the south side of the village.
- +2 to INT.
- +2 to END.
- Looks like Giant Dad helm.
- Decreases total FP amount. (not much usually around 10-15 points in most cases)
Bull-Goat Helm

- Once Patches has moved to Volcano Manor during his questline, he will give you a letter to kill Great Horned Tragoth.
Note: you need to join the Volcano Manor covenant and do a kill mission first for Patches to show up and give you this kill mission. You get the armor set immediately after killing Tragoth.
- Looks like Giant Dad helm.
- Very beefy and has 15 Poise.
- Weight is at 11.3 Miyazaki Units. (probably doesn’t matter since most people are going to have high END anyway)
Eccentric’s Hood (Altered)

- Obtained after defeating Witch-Hunter Jerren. (Sorceress Sellen Questline) (Side with Sellen)
- Decently protective. (when compared to the Glinstone Helms)
- Not quite Giant Dad, but passable.
- Have to alter the helmet in order to get rid of the hood the blocks most of the face from view making the helm slightly weaker.
Armor Set Intro.
Crucible Knight Set.

- The whole set is dropped by Crucible Knight Ordovis.
- Strong set of armor.
- Closely resembles the Giant armor chest piece. (just look at them pauldrons)
- The color of the set. (not sure if it’s a me thing or if other people also don’t like the color)
Tree Sentinel Set.

- Acquired in Auriza Hero’s Grave – Eastern Section of the Capital Outskirts.
- In the dungeon make your way to the end of the large ramp room where two chariots spawn side by side. Once you reach the arch in front of where the third chariot in that area will spawn, you will see a corpse leaning off of the ledge. Align yourself with the corpse and jump down onto one of the narrow beams. Continue jumping down until you are on one of the two parallel beams at the bottom, and then follow them to the ladder. Continue on this path past the next chariot ramp room and there will be a passage on the left. (The end of this passage has an Omen guarding the Crucible Feather Talisman). Take the first left and take the elevator up. Get past the flame pillar and attack it; raising it up to expose the light onto the multi-chariot room floor. Run past the newly exposed flame pillar and follow the path until you end up back in the large ramp room. The chariots will now collide and be destroyed and the Tree Sentintel Set will be awarded along with the Ash of War: Holy Ground.
- Looks very close to the Giants chest piece. (pauldrons are ok)
- Good stats.
- Not the easiest set to obtain.
Talismans Intro.
Green Turtle Talisman

- Summonwater Village. In an underground area on the outskirts of the village.
- Raises stamina recovery speed
without talisman: 148 stamina recovers 3.32 seconds = 44.5 stamina / second
with talisman: 148 stamina recovers 2.83 seconds = 52.3 stamina / second
=> ~ +17.5% (+/- 1%) stamina recovery speed
Great-Jar’s Arsenal Talisman

- Reward for completing the 3 duelist NPC invasions in Dragonbarrow (Caelid North) for the giant Living Jar in the area. You will only be able to access this area by coming up from Siofra Deep River Well in the underground
- 19% Increase to Max Equip Load
By Tritium-X
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